

Based on Reverse Engineering Principles Study on Non-circular Gears Rotary Transplanting Mechanism

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 李革;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国研究部门和厂家在应用国外先进的插秧机构方面,只是单纯的测绘和仿制,由于旋转式插秧机构是采用非圆齿轮系传动,它的瞬时传动比影响到插秧机构秧针的运动轨迹,所以,采用一般的机械测量方法很难使得测绘出来的插秧机构非圆齿轮参数满足插秧轨迹的农艺要求;另外,单纯的测绘没有办法对测绘出来的非圆齿轮系结构参数进行优化。为此,本文提出了“基于反求工程原理求解非圆齿轮系旋转式插秧机构的方法”。该方法是通过测绘旋转式分插机构中非圆齿轮的齿顶圆数据,使用MATLAB软件提供的内插法函数将测绘得到的齿顶圆离散点拟合成一条光滑曲线作为齿顶圆,再根据齿顶圆与节曲线的函数关系确定被测非圆齿轮的节曲线数据,应用MATLAB软件中曲线拟合工具箱对节曲线数据进行平滑处理,剔除奇异点,建立节曲线的函数表达式,利用黄金分割法优化齿轮的中心距。同时,研究出人机交互图形软件对设计的非圆齿轮行星轮系分插机构的秧针运动轨迹进行动态仿真,模拟实际插秧过程,检查基于测绘和设计得到的非圆齿轮的节曲线形状和分插机构是否满足插秧的农艺和机构运动不干涉的要求,并提出了适合旋转式分插机构的傅立叶和圆与椭圆两种较优的非圆齿轮节曲线,设计了傅立叶和Z形傅立叶、圆与椭圆节曲线三种非圆齿轮系分插机构,并进行了运动学分析和结构参数优化。利用MATLAB动态直观的显示计算结果功能,开发了非圆齿轮齿廓的设计软件,可根据非圆齿轮的节曲线分析模块检查非圆齿轮是否根切或有设计缺陷,分析非圆齿轮节曲线的曲率变化并自动计算齿廓。对圆与椭圆节曲线非圆齿轮系分插机构进行了样机制造,田间试验证明,本文提出的研究方法正确,满足机械插秧的设计要求。

【Abstract】 China’s enterprises and research departments study on the advanced transplanting mechanism by simple mapping and copy.The rotary transplanting mechanism by non-circular gears transmission.Drive ratio affect the trajectory of seeding needle.So simple mapping can not meet the transplant rice seeding requirements and can not optimization to non-circular gears parameters.In order to solve this problem,author proposed based on reverse engineering principles study on non-circular gears rotary transplanting mechamism.Though map non-circular addendum circle data, the date is fitted a smooth curve by interplation in MATLAB softward.According to relation of addendum circle and pitch curve get the non- circular pitch curve data.Then smooth the pitch curve data by curve fitting tool in MATLAB softward,remove the error of point,establish the curve’s function expression.Optimization the gear center distance by golden section method.Even more,design a softward on simulation the trajectory of seeding needle in non-circular gears transplantion mechanism.Test though mapping and designed the non-circular pitch curve and transplanting mechanism whether meet transplanting rice requirement.At the same time,meet no interference requirement.This article proposed fourier function curve and round-oval curve,designed fourier curve non-circular gears transplanting mechanism,Z type fourier curve non-circular gears transplanting mechanism and round-oval curve non-circular gears transplanting mechanism.The three agencies meet transplanting requirement.Kinematics analysis and optimization parameters to the agencies.In order to sovle the gear manufacture problem,desiged the non-circular gear shape softward on round-oval pitch curve.According to this softward analysis whether the non-circular have undercutting and other defect.Though this softward can auto-generat CAD map.Manufacture the round-oval pinch curve non-circular gears transplanting mechanism and made the transplant rice test.The agency have a good effect on transplant rice.So test this method is correctly.

  • 【分类号】S223.9;TH132.41
  • 【被引频次】4
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