

Explore the New Model on the Development of English Teaching and Researching Group of Junior High School

【作者】 罗敏江

【导师】 解月光;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代以来,教研组建设在我国走过了漫长而又曲折的历程,在不同的历史时期,发挥着其特有的作用,曾有单学科及联科教研管理的功能强化,而80年代以来,因年级组的日趋强大而出现功能弱化乃至退化。随着基础教育课程改革的深入发展,校本教研作为新课程改革的有效推进环节,正受到越来越多教师的欢迎,而作为实施校本教研核心组织的教研组,对课程改革的深入实施起着十分重要的作用,因此,教研组建设正越来越受到教育行政部门、学校及教师的重视。如果不能顺利转型,改善其功能,将严重影响教育改革的顺利推进。同时,国外学习型组织不断涌现,为我国教研组建设的转型打开了新的视角,并提供了可资借鉴的经验。本研究以教育生态学及马斯洛的需要层次论作为基本的理论基础,创新教研组团队建设模式,提出“生态型教学共同体”的架构模式。在教研组共同愿景的提炼中,教研组成员们在专家引领中更新教育理念,在课堂教学分析中提升教学技能,在阶段性问题研究中解决教学困难,在资源共建共享中提高研究效率,在论坛、网络互动中实现智慧互通,在递进式课题研究中物化教学成果,并在学校的支撑中,教师、学生、学校获得共同发展。即在团队活动中,形成团队文化并凝练出团队精神,从而使整个教研组的发展进入一个良性循环。在这种新模式的构建中,整个团队及其中成员的生态发展幅度明显加大,其自身生存、对外交流的活力也明显提高,显示出旺盛的生命力。

【Abstract】 Since 1950s, the construction of Teaching and Researching Group (TRG) has gone through a long and tortuous way in China. In different historical periods, it plays its unique role, and once it was very powerful in teaching management. But since 1980s, TRG has been weakened or even retrograded due to the increasing of management of Grade Group.With the deepening reform of basic education curriculum, TRG has been more and more important to the School-based Curriculum Reform, and it is welcomed by more and more teachers. Therefore, the construction of TRG is increasingly being paid much more attention by educational administrative departments, schools and teachers. If you can not successfully improve their function, it will seriously affect the progress of education reform.Meanwhile, study organizations continue to emerge abroad, and they have opened a new perspective, and provided a valuable experience.In this study, taking the theory of Ecology of Education and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we’ve created a better model for the development of TRG, called "Ecotype Teaching and Learning Community". Firstly, the shared vision of the whole group has been refined. Secondly, all members are led by experts to update the educational philosophy. Thirdly, members improve teaching skills in the analysis of classroom teaching. Fourthly, the team solves the teaching difficulties in the research of periodical teaching problems. Fifthly, all members improve the research efficiency by resources sharing. Sixthly, all members achieve intelligence sharing by forums and the network interaction, and materialize achievement in the progressive teaching research, so the teachers, students and school develop together. That is, in the team activities, the culture and the spirit of the team formed, so that the TRG entered a virtuous circle in developing. In the Construction of this new model, the whole team and its members significantly increase the ecological amplitude, and its own survival, ability of interaction are also markedly improved, and showing great vitality.
