

【作者】 常安顺

【导师】 赵永红;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着中缅两国的经贸往来日趋频繁,缅甸学习汉语的人数也与日俱增。缅甸的汉语作为第二语言的教学,其教学方式对吸引学习者学习汉语扮演着重要的角色。因此,本文就第二语言教学的福庆孔子课堂的课堂教学进行了研究。本文的研究是根据笔者在实习期间对福庆孔子课堂40节汉语课的课堂观察记录为样本,对其初级汉语课课堂教学进行分析研究。本文探讨了缅甸曼德勒福庆孔子课堂初级汉语课的课堂教学环节及教学环节中的教学步骤。本研究,就福庆孔子课堂教学的教学特点及教学中存在的一些问题进行了分析,并根据其汉语课堂教学提出了一些教学建议仅供作为教学参考。全文共分五个部分:第一部分简要介绍了缅甸的汉语教学、福庆孔子课堂的汉语教学,并对本研究选题的缘由进行了说明。第二部分对前人的教学理论、教学法、课堂教学以及对外汉语课堂教学模式等相关研究进行了回顾。根据综合课的课型,对综合课的教学、包括词语、语法及课文的教学等相关研究进行了综述。同时对缅甸汉语教学的研究现状进行了说明。第三部分和第四部分为本文的重点章节。第三部分根据缅甸福庆孔子课堂初级汉语课的课堂教学,分别对词语、语法、课文以及课后练习的处理方式等的教学环节、以及各教学环节的教学步骤、教学方法等进行了分析。并分析了其课堂教学案例的共同特点及各教学环节中存在的一些问题。第四部分运用专家学者的教学理论对缅甸福庆孔子课堂教学案例的分析结果,从课堂教学环节、教学步骤等方面进行对比分析,分析研究缅甸福庆孔子课堂教学案例存在的问题,指出不同的教学环节、教学步骤和不同的处理方式,其教学效果也完全不同。并对从教学案例中分析出的词语、语法、课文等教学环节中存在的一些问题,结合笔者在研究生期间学到的一些理论进行了对比分析研究。最后从学习者为中心的原则、课堂用语与语言环境、课堂教学与学习者的需求不相应等方面对其课堂教学进行了分析研究。第五部分为本文的研究总结,首先根据福庆学校汉语课的教学案例分析,对词语、语法、课文教学、课后练习的布置、课堂用语的使用、以学生为中心、选用适合第二语言学习者的教材等应注意的一些问题,提出了一些教学的建议供教学参考。同时指出本文的研究中存在的不足及其研究的局限性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the frequent economy and trade exchange between China and Myanmar, the numbers of people in Myanmar who learn Chinese are also increasing. The teaching methods of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Myanmar play an important role to attract learners in learning Chinese language. Thus, this paper aims to study the FuQing Confucius School teaching pertaining its Chinese as second language lessons.This study is based on the 40 periods’Chinese language lessons observation as sample during researcher doing the internship with FuQing Confucius School, and conducting analysis with its elementary Chinese lessons’classroom teaching. This paper investigates the processes and steps in elementary classroom teaching of Chinese lessons in FuQing Confucius School Mandalay, Myanmar. This study analyzed the characteristics and problems of its classroom teaching, and based on this classroom Chinese language teaching lessons, provided some suggestions as teaching references.This paper is divided into five sections:The first section is a brief introduction of the Chinese language teaching in Myanmar, FuQing Chinese Confucius School teaching and the background of current study. The second section reviewed the previous teaching theories, pedagogy, classroom teaching, the models of Chinese teaching as second language and other related studies. Based on the types of integrated curriculum, an overview was conducted on the teaching of integrated curriculum, including lexis, grammar and texts. The contemporary studies of teaching Chinese language in Myanmar were also explained at the same time.The third and fourth sections are the focus of this paper. The third section is based on the elementary Chinese lessons’ classroom teaching in FuQing Confucius School, Myanmar, as to analyze the teaching processes pertaining to lexis, grammar, texts and exercises after class respectively, as well as its teaching steps and methods. This section further analyzed the common characteristics and problems of the classroom teaching cases study.The fourth section applied the teaching theories of experts and scholars to conduct comparative analysis on teaching processes and steps regarding the findings of cases study in FuQing Confucius School, Myanmar. This comparative analysis helps to identify the existing problems, and further pinpointed that with different teaching processes, steps and handling methods will resulting different teaching impacts. Furthermore, a comparative analysis also being conducted between the lexis, grammar, text and other problems in teaching processes with some of the theories learned during the postgraduate study. Finally, from the learner-centered principles, terminology, language context, classroom teaching and not correspondence with the needs of learners and so forth to analyze its classroom teaching.The fifth section is the conclusion of this research. Firstly, based on the analysis of cases study about Chinese language lessons in FuQing School, such as lexis, grammar, texts, the exercises after class, the wording used in classroom, student-centered, selection of suitable textbooks for second language learners and other noted issues, this paper is to put forward some suggestions as teaching references. Besides, this section also pointed out the shortcomings and limitations of the study.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】474