

China’s Urban Communities to Explore and Research the Family Pension

【作者】 张群英

【导师】 安莉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界范围内老龄化成为不可阻挡的发展趋势,人口老龄化的进程在我国也在不断的加快。在当代社会,鉴于两代人组成的现代核心家庭的主体模式,“4-2-1"倒金字塔人口格局的出现,日趋增加而庞大的老人群体,独居老人、空巢老人不断增加,对老年人对日常生活照顾的需求加大。而传统的家庭养老难以满足现在老年群体的需求,养老问题日益凸现。对于那些本来具有“慈善救助”性质的养老服务机构,无论是提供的服务项目还是现有的规模,都非常有限。从现实来看,现有的养老机构并没有完全被老人认可和接受:一是更多的老年人更希望在家庭的氛围下进行护理养老;二是现有的养老机构设施、服务水平、标准化建设等方面还有待进一步完善。本文第一章从社区居家养老理论的相关概念,到对社区照顾理论、社区服务理论、福利多元主义理论等的论述,对准确分析中国城市社区居家养老问题从而更好的提出相关建议打下理论基础。第二章从中国人口老龄化的发展趋势及特征入手,通过实证研究方法,以绿园区为个案分析,揭示本文论题的具体表现。第三章城市居家养老的问题分析,通过对城市现有模式的分析,结合传统模式进行比较,阐明中国城市居家养老存在问题的实质。第四章,根据上述分析,分别提出了改善社区相关法规及完善养老体系建设、加强资金投入,完备人力资源建设、加强国际交流多学习先进经验的建议。第五章结语篇,总结本文的主体问题及结论。本文从我国人口老龄化现状需求入手,以福利多元主义等理论,我国现有老人构成,社区服务状况,统计数据分析和长春市绿园区社区养老服务实证为例,对人口老龄化带来的挑战进行研究和剖析,在借鉴一些西方发达国家和东亚国家社区养老服务经验的有益基础上,提出进一步健全和完善我国城市社区居家养老服务的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 With the aging of the worldwide become an irresistible trend of development, the process of population aging in China is constantly accelerating. In contemporary society, given the composition of two generations of the main body of the modern nuclear family model, "4-2-1" inverted pyramid structure of the population there, the increasingly large elderly population increases, elderly people living alone, increasing empty-nesters, the elderly people to take care of the needs of daily life increase. The traditional family support is difficult to meet the needs of old people now, retirement is becoming increasingly apparent. For those who have a "charity" nature of the pension service agency, whether the services provided by the scale of the project or existing, is very limited. From a practical point of view, the existing pension agency has not fully recognized and accepted by the elderly: First, more older people are more like the family atmosphere of the old-age care; Second, the existing pension institutional facilities, service levels, standardized construction and other aspects to be further improved.The first chapter from the community related to the concept of home care theory to the theory of community care, community service theory, welfare pluralism theory of discourse, on the accurate analysis of the Aged in Urban Communities in China to better lay the theoretical basis for suggestions. The second chapter from the aging of China’s population trends and characteristics of start, through empirical research methods to Lvyuan a case, revealing a concrete manifestation of this topic. Chapter III the problem of urban home care, through the analysis of existing models of the city, compared with the traditional model to clarify the existence of Chinese Urban Family essence of the problem. Chapter IV, the above analysis, were proposed to improve the community and improve the pension system, relevant laws and regulations, strengthen capital investment, a comprehensive human resources development, strengthening international exchange to learn the advanced experience of the recommendations. Chapter V Conclusion chapter summarizes the main issues and conclusions of this article.From the status of China’s aging population needs to start to the theories of welfare pluralism, our existing old structure, community service conditions, statistical data analysis and Luyuan District, Changchun City Community Support Services empirical example of the challenges of population aging research and analysis, drawing on a number of Western countries and East Asia community benefit pension based on service experience, further improve and perfect the urban community home care services, advice and measures.

【关键词】 人口老龄化社区居家养老
【Key words】 Ageing PopulationCommunityhome care
  • 【分类号】D669.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】420