

On the Gallic War in the 451 A. D. and the Historical Influence of It on the Huns

【作者】 宇信潇

【导师】 宫秀华;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公元451年高卢战争是民族大迁徙过程中,亚欧大陆北部游牧世界与南部农耕世界之间碰撞的典型一例。它浓缩的不仅是两个民族的碰撞,而且是两种生活方式、两种价值观念的碰撞。这场战争是匈人在逐渐趋于融入罗马社会的转变过程中,最后一次以地中海地区游牧世界霸主身份与罗马帝国所代表的地中海世界农耕社会之间爆发的极端的、剧烈的冲突,是匈人历史上重要的转折点。这场战争不仅是以匈人帝国为代表的游牧世界与以罗马帝国为代表的农耕世界之间碰撞的缩影,而且是民族大迁徙及地中海世界巨变的时代缩影。本文主要分以下三个部分论述:第一部分论述了451年高卢战争爆发的原因。匈人维护游牧传统与接受罗马文化的矛盾,是匈人发动451年高卢战争的根本原因;阿提拉的扩张雄心及荷诺丽娅公主的求婚信,为战争的爆发提供了条件,是战争爆发的直接原因。第二部分论述了451年高卢战争的经过。451年高卢战争是游牧世界与农耕世界在欧洲的矛盾积聚的结果,是两个世界极端的、剧烈的碰撞,同时也是民族大迁徙和地中海世界巨变的时代缩影。匈人在451年高卢战争中的失败,标志着代表亚欧大陆北部草原游牧文化的匈人向地中海世界扩张的结束,同时标志着游牧世界与农耕世界在欧洲极端的、剧烈的碰撞的结束。第三部分论述了451年高卢战争对匈人的历史影响。451年高卢战争后,匈人帝国瓦解。匈人分为两部分:匈人主体涌入罗马帝国境内,最终融入了罗马社会;匈人余部留在东欧草原,继续坚守游牧民族的传统生活方式。至此,匈人作为一个整体,逐渐退出了地中海世界的历史舞台。匈人逐渐接受罗马文化、融入罗马社会的转变,实则反映出民族大迁徙过程中,与自身文化植根的土壤相脱离的族群,在其他民族文化植根的土壤中,不可避免地走上被其他民族同化的道路。

【Abstract】 The Gallic War in the 451 A. D. was a typical example of the violent conflict between the nomads in the northern Eurasia and the farming peoples in the south during the Migration Period in the Eurasia. It concentrated the violent conflict not only between the two nations, but also between the two kinds of lifestyles, between the two kinds of values. This war was the extreme and violent conflict between the Huns, who was in the process that gradually tended to mix into the Roman society, as the leader during the nomads in the Mediterranean region lastly, and the Roman Empire as the representative of the farming peoples in the Mediterranean. It was an important turning point in the history of the Huns. This war was the miniature not only of the violent conflict between the nomads represented by the Hunnic Empire and the farming peoples represented by the Roman Empire, but also of the Period of the migration in the Eurasia and the great transformation of the Mediterranean World.This paper mainly included three parts:In the first part, the causes of the Gallic War in the 451 A. D. were discussed. The fundamental cause of this war was the contradiction between that the Huns firmly entrenched their nomadic tradition, and that they would accept the Roman culture. Attila’s ambition and the letter written by Honoria for marriage provided the necessary conditions for this war, and they were the immediate causes of this war.In the second part, the process of the Gallic War in the 451 A. D. was discussed. This war was the accumulation in the Europe of the contradiction between the nomadic world and the farming world, and it was the extreme and violent conflict between the two worlds. Simultaneously, this war was the miniature of the Period of the migration in the Eurasia and the great transformation of the Mediterranean World. The failure of the Huns in this war, symbolized the end of the expansion to the Mediterranean region of the Huns who represented the nomadic culture in the Eurasian steppe, and it symbolized the end of the extreme and violent conflict in the Europe between the nomadic world and the farming world.In the third part, the historical influence to the Huns of the Gallic War in the 451 A. D. was discussed. After this war, the Hunnic Empire disintegrated. The Huns were divided into two parts: the main part of the Huns entered into the Roman Empire, and finally tended to mix into the Roman society; the residual parts of the Huns stayed at the steppe in the eastern Europe, and firmly entrenched their nomadic tradition. The Huns, as an integral power, gradually withdrew the historical stage of the Mediterranean World. The conversion that Huns gradually accepted the Roman culture and tended to mix into the Roman society, actually reflected that one nation, which separated from the geographical environment rooting its own culture, was inevitably assimilated by other nations owning to entering into other geographical environment rooting other culture during the Migration Period.

【关键词】 匈人451年高卢战争游牧民族罗马
【Key words】 the Hunsthe Gallic War in the 451 A. D.nomadsRome
  • 【分类号】K126
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