

An Investigation of Teachers’ Questioning in Senior High School

【作者】 孙培殷

【导师】 修树新;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国基础教育课程改革的逐步深入,新课程改革的实施,使英语教师面临前所未有的挑战。如何以高的教学质量来迎接挑战,是全体英语教师面临的共同问题。课堂提问是教师的一项非常重要的技能和教学手段。它是课堂中教师与学生之间最常见的互动形式。课堂提问的好坏,会直接影响到课堂教学质量。富有启发性的课堂提问可以拓展学生的思维空间、调动学生的学习积极性、激发学生的求知欲望。课堂教学的成功与否在于如何恰当地提问和巧妙引导学生作答。关于课堂提问的研究,专家学者研究侧重各有不同。前人的研究为我们提供了提问问题的类型,提问的原则和策略。国内学者研究主要侧重于提问的策略方面,而国外学者的研究重点在于提问的目的、种类及分类标准等方面。本研究是针对普通高中的英语课堂中存在的普遍问题进行的调查研究,重点研究以下几个方面:1.高中英语课堂提问问题类型的现状2.高中英语课堂提问对象分配现状3.高中英语课堂提问评价的现状研究发现普通高中英语课堂教学中存在的普遍问题是:1 .课堂提问问题类型单一,封闭式问题的比例远远超出开放式问题的比例。2.课堂提问对象局限,“厚此薄彼”的现象经常出现。3.教师轻视反馈与评价。根据研究的结果,本论文提出了如下建议:1.明确提问目的,追求实效提问;2.从学生实际出发,合理安排开放式问题和封闭式问题的比例;3.面向全体学生,扩大提问对象范围;4.充分发挥教师评价的作用。

【Abstract】 With China’s basic education curriculum reform deepening and the new curriculum reform constantly implemented, the English teachers meet the unprecedented challenge. How to meet the challenge with high quality is a common problem that all the English teachers are facing. Classroom questioning of teachers is a very important skill and an important teaching method. It is the most common form of interaction between teachers and students in the class The quality of the classroom questioning will directly affect the quality of classroom teaching. Rich inspirational classroom questioning can broaden the students’ mind, arouse their study enthusiasm and stimulate students’ curiosity. The success of classroom teaching lies in how to question properly and how to guide the students answer the question tactfully.As to the research of Classroom Questioning, scholars do some research on it from .different aspects. Their researches provide us with the types、principles and strategies of Classroom Questioning, Domestic scholars mostly focuses on the strategies of Classroom Questioning, while foreign scholars’ focuses on the aims、types and classification level of Classroom Questioning.This research is an investigation of teachers’questioning in Senior High school. The key research points are as followings:First. The status quo of types of questioning in Senior High school English ClassesSecond. The status quo of distribution of questioning in Senior High school English ClassesThird. The status quo of evaluation and feedback in Senior High school English ClassesAfter research, the author found there are some common questions in ordinary senior high school English classes. First .the type of question is single and the proportion of the closed problems are far beyond the proportion of open questions. Second, the distribution of questions is limited. Third. Teachers pay little attention to the feedback and evaluation.According to the result of research, the author put forward the following suggestions in this paper. First. Clear the aims of questioning and go after the effective questioning. Second. Design and arrange the proportion of open question and closed questions reasonably based on the students’actual situation. Third. Face different levels of students and expand the scope of target questioning. Finally the teachers should make their own evaluation play a full role in their classes.

【关键词】 课堂提问现状问题建议
【Key words】 classroom questioningthe status quoquestionssuggestions
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】599