

General Urban Design in Coastal Area

【作者】 孙淑芳

【导师】 李诚固;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开发以来,葫芦岛市龙港区得到了巨大的发展机会,城市建设水平有了快速的提升,城市的风貌也得到了很大的改观。葫芦岛市总体规划的制定和实施,对龙港区的发展提出了很多建设目标,对城市风貌特色、功能和环境都提出了很高的要求。随着经济的发展,沿海城市的开发建设已经成为一种世界性的现象,对于滨海城市而言,城市滨海地区是其重要的组成部分之一,展现了滨海城市所特有的城市魅力,但是现在我国城市滨海地区在开发建设中存在很多问题,葫芦岛市龙港区的城市开发也不例外,也存在许多问题,本文试图通过对龙港区的城市设计实践,探讨城市滨海地区总体城市设计方法。本文以龙港区城市设计实践为基础,探讨研究了城市滨海地区的设计方法。文章第一章和第二章是本文的基础研究,介绍了研究背景、目的和当前面临的问题,并且提出了论文的研究框架;通过分析研究总体城市设计的基础理论,认真总结了滨海地区城市设计的要素以及城市设计现存问题。第三章和第四章是文章的主要部分,第三章重点对葫芦岛市龙港区的总体城市设计实践进行了介绍;第四章是在第三章的设计实践基础上,从城市整体形态、城市开放空间的设计、可持续性设计以及城市设计的实施四个方面对滨海地区总体城市设计的方法进行了探讨研究。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up,longgang in Huludao city has a large chance of development, at the same times, the level of urban construction are promoted rapidly. Due to master plan of Huludao city has been planned and carried out, goals of development in longgang are raised, of course, city scape, function and environment must have an high level.With the development of economic, the development of coastal city is a cosmopolitan phenomenon, coastal region is an important part of coastal city which ermeges the special glamour of the city, however, there are some problems in developing coastal city, of course, containing longgang, this paper, we are planned to make the example of longgang, so we can discuss the city design procedures in coastal city.Based on the practice of urban design in longgang, we discuss how to design coastal region. chapter one and two, introduce the background and purpose of study and the current problems, raising study frame of this paper; analyze basic theory of urban design, summarizing extant problems and contrivable elements. chapter three introduces how to practice urban design of longgang, and chapter four based on chapter three, discuss whole shape of city, design of urban open space, Sustainable design, the implementation of urban design.

  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198