

A Study on Validity of Teachers’ Disciplinary Power

【作者】 张丽

【导师】 孙彩平;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教师惩戒权是教育中一个颇有争议却不容回避的问题。近年来,随着我国教师正当惩戒权的行使屡遭批评和质疑、教师过度体罚行为侵犯学生权利等现象的发生,教师惩戒权日益受到人们的关注。首先,人们对教师惩戒权是否应该存在的问题就产生了分歧,既有赞同的声音也有反对的声音。因而,人们便开始反思教师惩戒权是什么?它有无存在的必要?如果确有存在的必要,那它存在的目的是什么?在多大的限度内,这种权力的行使是正当的、合理合法的?这一系列问题都需要得到合理的回答和解释。因此,本文将以教师惩戒权为研究对象,试图从理论上对上述一系列问题进行分析和回答。本文将从对教师惩戒权面临的危机表征开始展开讨论,并对其产生的原因进行分析。接下来,便从理论上对教师戒权进行本体追问,从教师戒权的相关概念出发对教师戒权的涵义、特征进行探讨,并对教师惩戒权的正当性分别从哲学、教育学、心理学的视角对其进行解读。最后,对教师惩戒权的实践情况进行历史寻踪和分析,并对教师惩戒权正当行使的限度进行分析。本论文是对教师惩戒权的理论建构的一点尝试,以期为我国教师惩戒权的理论研究和实践探索尽绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Teachers’disciplinary power is a fairly controversial, yet unavoidable issue in education. In recent years, teachers’disciplinary power has drawn increasing attention from the public as reasonable exercise of such rights was repeatedly criticized and questioned in this country at the same time that teacher’s excessive corporal punishment also became a regular occurrence. First, people have voiced sharply different opinions on whether teachers should have a disciplinary right: there are those who support it and those who oppose it. This has prompted many to reflect upon some fairly fundamental questions: what exactly is teachers’disciplinary power? Do we need it? If yes, what purpose does it serve? And to what extent is exercise of such a right appropriate, reasonable and lawful?All these questions need to be properly answered and explained. This paper attempts to study teachers’disciplinary power and answer these questions from a theoretical perspective.First, this paper will dissect the crisis facing teachers’disciplinary power,and analyzing the reasons behind it. Next, it will attempt to question teachers’disciplinary power from a theoretical perspective, explore its implications and its nature by using relevant concepts, and then discuss the appropriateness of teachers’disciplinary power from philosophical, educational and psychological angles; Finally, this paper traces the history of teachers’disciplinary power and analyzes the practice of this right over time. The paper attempts to construct a theoretical framework for teachers’disciplinary power, with the hope that it may contribute to the fundamental research and the practice of teachers’disciplinary power.

【关键词】 教师惩戒权惩戒教师
【Key words】 Teachers’disciplinary powerDisciplineTeacher
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】215