

Study on Issues Relating to Error Correction in an Oral Class of Teaching Mandarin as a Foreign Language.

【作者】 郑恩姬

【导师】 黄晓颖;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 关于口语课堂教学过程中采用的纠错方式及师生间和学生间对纠错的态度等的问题国外早已展开调查研究。但是对外汉语口语课堂教学中的纠错问题还没有充分的研究。学习一门外语是一个漫长而复杂的过程,对于留学生来说,在中国受那么多年的教育却仍无法与中国人正常交流,一提到“汉语”,学生们就会想到一个字——难。总是掌握不好汉语的一些规律和声调的变化而经常犯同样的错误。举个例子:一会儿我得去“接”孩子。很简单的一句话,如果把“接”说成四声,整个句子的意思就变了。当然,留学生学汉语出现错误是不可避免的。而一旦出现了错误应该怎么办,便成为我们要深入研究和探讨的课题。对此学者们有着不同的看法,有的学者主张,在不影响交际的情况下,有些错误没必要逐一纠正,以免影响学生的学习兴趣和自信心;而有的学者则认为,纠错是非常重要的教学活动,应该有错必纠。那么在口语课堂上对于学生的错误教师究竟应不应该给予纠正呢?怎样才能降低学生出错率呢?这无疑又是对教师如何运用纠错技巧的一个考验。口语课是对外汉语教学中的一门单项技能训练课,它主要是以学生能够无障碍地表达、进而顺利地完成交际任务为目的的,而纠错问题又是我们不容忽视的关键所在。本人就口语课堂教学中纠错的必要性和效果,以及对纠错的态度等相关问题,对80名学生和50名教师进行了问卷调查,现通过对这些问卷反馈的信息的分析和研究,再结合相关的研究成果,谈谈自己对外汉语口语教学中纠错问题的理解和认识,并就到底该不该纠错、何时纠错、由谁纠错以及怎样纠错等的问题做一具体分析。

【Abstract】 The method of error correction in language oral class, and the attitude of students toward such correction has received much attention overseas. However, this topic has yet to receive full study in the field of teaching mandarin as a second language. Learning a second language is a long and complicated process; to a foreign student,“Hanyu”has left the impression of being difficult to learn, despite years of education received in China. Many mistakes are generated due to the tonal component and the sentence structure of Hanyu. Naturally, mistakes are to be expected and even allowed, but as teachers, how we deal with the mistakes warrant further considerations. Specifically, during an oral class, should a teacher correct a student’s mistake directly? How do we lower the rate of error? These questions are crucial to the performance of a teacher in a class. An oral class is a skill specific training class, its purpose to train the students to communicate fluently, yet the issue of error correction needs to be addressed. There are different schools of thoughts with regards to this issue: the communicative approach is of the view that error that doesn’t affect accurate communication should not be corrected, yet other approaches insist on making correction at every opportunities.To investigate this issue, this paper has conducted a survey among 80 students and 50 teachers of teaching mandarin as a foreign language. Basing on the information received through the survey and combining relative studies, this paper discuss the issues relating to error correction in the field of teaching mandarin as a foreign language, including whether to correct, when to correct, how to correct and who to correct.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】310