The Research on the Role for the Jilin Provincial Government to Promote the Development of the Eco-industrial Clusters
【作者】 王向;
【导师】 马英林;
【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士
【摘要】 自长白山生态产业集群形成以来,吉林省政府为推进其发展做出了很多方面的努力,仍然没有打造出具有品牌竞争力的生态产业集群。吉林省政府仍存在定位不清、职能不明等问题。随着“十二五”规划的推出,长白山生态产业集群的高速发展,政府改革势在必行。本文入研究了生态产业集群的相关理论,着眼于吉林省政府推进长白山生态产业集群的现状,借鉴国内外生态产业集群的发展经验,采用实证研究和比较研究的方法,提出了适当的发展策略。本文的创新之处:一是本文从振兴东北老工业基地和“十二五”规划的大背景出发对吉林省政府职能作用进行研究;二是通过分析,指出林省政府表现出来的职能作用缺失,并提出了新形势下加强政府职能作用的具体措施,具有较强的可行性。
【Abstract】 The government of Jilin Province has made many efforts to develop ecology industry cluster. But still she didn’t build a brand competitive one .there are still existing the dislocation in transforming government function .With the implementation of the 12th five-year plan and the rapid development of industrial clusters, it is imperative for the government to reform.The article, while delving into the theory of eco-industrial cluster, focusing on the role of the Jilin Provincial Government and questions, learning from the experience in the development of eco-industrial clusters, use the empirical research and comparative research methods, made appropriate development strategy.The innovation of this text lies in: First, this article researches the Jilin provincial government functions from the big background of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base and the 12th five-year plan. Second, through analysis, indicates the main question existing in Jilin provincial government function. And analyze the concrete measure of the strengthening government functions, which has strong feasibility.
【Key words】 Eco-industrial clusters; the role of government; problem; the government of Jilin Province;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 东北师范大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
- 【分类号】D630;F205
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】107