

Analysis and Study on the Evoluation of Passenger Vehicle Seats in China

【作者】 毕重丹

【导师】 杨明朗;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化分工加剧,世界同一市场的不断完善,消费者对与汽车产品的品质、技术、种类和服务要求越来越高。同时,伴随着人类社会的不断发展和进步,人们也不再仅仅满足于汽车座椅这个坐具的基本功能的实现,而是对汽车座椅的安全、舒适、方便及智能等诸多方面提出了更高的要求。汽车座椅,作为是汽车的人机关系中的重要组成部分,是驾驶者和乘坐者最为关心的部件,它直接影响驾乘者的使用安全和身体健康。这便是本文谈论的起点所在。本文伊始部分是从汽车本源问题展开,谈论研究目的和方向以及相关基本概念。第二部分则是先以乘用车辆的定义和概念为切入点,明辨乘用车辆的分类的种种。然后以乘用车辆的技术、产业、社会和形态三个不同视角来谈论整个汽车工业以及汽车本身的演化和变迁过程,分析某些其中规律和特征。第三部分则回到座椅问题上来,从坐具设计历史的本源开始讨论,论述中国古代车辆到现代乘用车辆的演变进程。从中国古代坐具研究谈起,上至从席地而坐的先民下至古代坐具巅峰的明清家具,从自行车、黄包车到第一辆现代汽车再到智能化全自动座椅探究座椅,初步研究坐具发展的历史过程。并就坐具的文化象征、加工工艺、以及对人们生活方式的影响等因素的历史进化过程加以描述,并对其种类加以归纳总结。第四部分是由静到动的思路展开,从坐具的形式、使用载体、行驶环境、制造工艺、材料、使用者等众多设计因素角度加以分析研究,探索坐具进化的根本原因和普遍规律。尔后针对汽车座椅的基础性能——舒适性和安全性两点进行人机工程学上分析和讨论。第五部分是以国产著名品牌“红旗”轿车为研究对象,以第一代“东风”CA72为起始点到当代主线产品——“红旗盛世”的终止,以实例验证现代汽车以及乘用车座工艺和形态演化的过程。最后一部分为展望部分,论述在智能化机械时代背景下一个新的时代主题——人机共生的理论。从行动和感知等不同方面讨论人类与汽车差异以及沟通和共生的可能,并引向未来乘用车座椅智能化和动态化发展的方向。

【Abstract】 With the globalization of world division of labor intensified, a uniform world market is continuingly consummating, and become perfect, the automotive products needs of the consumers, including technology, quality and services are increasing. At the same time, along with the development of social progress, the basic functions of car seat can’t satisfied users’ needs any more, what they needs are the safety, comfort, convenience, intelligence and etc. Car seat, as an important part between man and machine, is the key component which is concerned with the health and safety of the drivers and passengers. This is a start point that we talk about.The article is beginning from the auto essence issues, discussing the targets and direction of the research and the relative concepts. The second part is start with the definition and concept of the passenger vehicle and classifying variety of different automobile. Then describing the evolution and change process of the entire automobile industry and automobile itself from three different angles:technology, industry, society and form. Some rules and characteristics will be analyzed. The third part will be back to the thesis of the seats; the history of seat and evolvement of passenger vehicle seats including Chinese ancient vehicle seat and modern automobile seat need be discussed. The initiative seat history research fields are from Chinese ancient mat to the chairs of Ming and Qing dynasty, which is the art peak in Chinese history; from the bicycle and rickshaw seat to the first modern auto seat and then to intelligent auto seat. Then we will talk about the cultural symbol, processing technology, and people life style, such these influencing factors will be summarized. The fourth part is developed by the outline from static state to dynamic mode, we will discuss and analysis the different vehicle seat design factors:form, medium, driving environment, manufacture, material and users, explore the fundamental cause and general rules of the seat evolvement. The fifth part, we will take the Redflag sedan which is the most famous brand in China as an example and research object. For explaining the evolution process of the modern sedan and seat technology and form, the argument will be started from the first sedan "Dongfeng" CA71 that produced by Redflag, to the newest product--"Shengshi"HQ3. Finally, the last part points to the future. Under the background of intelligent machine period, a new theory will be proposed-- man-machine symbiosis theory. The discussion will be focused on the possibility of the symbiosis and communication between the automobile and human. The direction of intelligent and dynamic passenger vehicle seat also will be discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期