

Study of Institutional Reform on the Administrations for Industry and Commerce of Jiangxi Province

【作者】 李洪斌

【导师】 张明锋;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 “工商行政管理”是我国社会经济发展到一定历史阶段的产物,是一个历史范畴。新中国成立后工商行政管理部门发生了许多改革与变迁。近年来,工商行政管理部门经历了实行省以下垂直管理体制、与所办市场的办管脱钩、改工商所的事业编制为公务员编制、国家工商行政管理总局升格为正部级单位、停止征收个体工商户管理费和集贸市场管理费、日常临管机制创新、重新实行省以下划归地方政府分级管理体制等重大的历史事件,工商行政管理部门的机构改革是各地一直在做在讨论的话题。江西省工商行政管理部门亦经历了上述历史事件,进行了机构改革。其工作的重点从强调监管逐步转向了强调服务与监管并重,自上而下进行了机构的调整,内部机构基本按照上下业务对口设置,基本建立了相对专业、稳定、结构比较合理的队伍。然而,事物的动态发展决定了其所进行的机构改革不可能是一劳永逸、完美无瑕的,必须要随着我国社会主义的市场经济体制的建立和不断完善而发生着转变。况且,其机构改革也存在着诸如基层工商行政管理部门监管的硬件缺失、手段落后、信息共享困难,人员的素质、结构仍有待调整完善,内部机构设置尚需进一步科学化,行政复议制度和地方政府不当干预带来的行政权力行使通道障碍,财政体制的制约等问题,尚待解决。在此背景下,本文综合运用了文献研究法、数据分析法、经验总结法、调查法、比较分析法等研究方法,结合新公共服务理论、公共管理学原理、公共部门人力资源管理理论、行政法学理论、公共财政理论等公共管理学上和机构改革相关的理论与有关学者的研究,为实现减少行政成本,提高行政管理效能,维护广大经营者和消费者的合法权益,服务经济社会发展大局,促进区域经济协调发展,最终推动我国经济健康、稳定、持续的发展等目标,提出了完善江西省工商行政管理部门机构改革的建议。主要是:强化行政指导,建设服务型工商——清晰认识机构改革的目标,按照“行政三分制”的构想,建立健全决策、执行、监督既相互制约又相互协调的权力结构和运行机制,完善监管网络,购置运作所必备的设备,建设政府信息共享平台,通过人员分类管理的创新、加强工作人员的绩效考核和完善工作人员交流与退出机制以改善人员素质结构、提升基层工商能力,通过完善行政复议制度、完善行政权力执行制度、赋予综合常设或者临时机构决策命令权实现畅通行政权行使途径的目的,实行科学的预算制度、专项行动经费报销制度等以完善财政体制保障行政经费充足等。

【Abstract】 ’Administration for Industry and Commerce’is a result of China’s social and economic development to a certain historical stage, is a historical category. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Administration for Industry and Commerce has happened many reforms and changes. Such as the vertical and top-down management system under the province, the unhook of markets’setting up and managing, the transforms of authorized staff to government employee, the upgrading of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to the ministerial-level unit, stopping the collection of’Two Charges’, the innovation of daily supervision, return to the local government management system, ect. The reform of the Administration for Industry and Commerce, is all around have been doing in discussing the topic.Administration for Industry and Commerce of.liangxi Province, also experienced these historical events, made of institutional reform. The focus of working has changed from emphasizing supervision gradually to emphasizing service and supervision to pay equal attention to, adjust internal basic institutions as top-down mechanism adjustment, established a relative professional, stable, more rational structure of the team. However, things of the dynamic development has decided that institutional reform can’t make things right once and for all. or flawless, it must change along with our country socialist market economic system’s developing. Moreover, the institution reform also exists many problems such as lack of means of hardware backward, difficulties in sharing information, personnel quality, structure remains to be adjusted and perfected, internal institutions still need further scientific, administrative reconsideration system and local government improper intervention bring administrative power exercise channel disorder, fiscal system to restrict, these all remain to be solved.Under this background, this paper uses the literature research method, data analysis, summarize the experience law, investigation law, comparative analysis and other research methods, combined with the theory of new public service, public management, public sector human resources management theory, the theory of administrative law, the theory of public finance, public administration and institutional reform the theory and related research, in order to achieve reduced administrative costs, improve administrative efficiency, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the operator and consumer, service overall situation of economic society development, promote the coordinated development of regional economy, ultimately promote the health of our country economy stable and sustainable development, put forward to perfect the institution reform proposals of Administration for Industry and Commerce of the Jiangxi province. Such as: strengthening administrative guidance, build service type organizations--clearly understand the mechanism reform goal; establish and perfect the decision-implementation-supervision mechanism which can constrain and coordinate each other’s power structure and operation mechanism; improve the regulatory network operation, purchase the necessary equipment, construct the government information sharing platform; strengthen the staff performance assessment and improve personnel exchanges’and exits’mechanism to improve personnel quality structure, promote grass-roots units’ability, through the category of personnel management innovation; make the power exercising more smoothly, through the improvement of administrative reconsideration system, perfecting the administrative power execution system, and making permanent or temporary agencies have decision-making powers; implement the scientific budget system, such as special operation expenses reimbursement system, in order to perfect the financial system and ensure the administration’s funds.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D630.1;F203.9
  • 【下载频次】212