

Yu Xuan Ji and Her Achievement in Poetry

【作者】 彭琼

【导师】 张金铣;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代为我国历史上空前强盛时期,经济发展,国力强盛,社会繁荣,文化昌盛。如此盛世背景之下,佛教、道教及西方宗教等各种宗教都得到广泛传播,产生了一个特殊群体——女冠诗人:她们既是宗教人士,又是诗人。在唐代李冶、薛涛、鱼玄机三位杰出女冠诗人中,鱼玄机经历最为坎坷,而生命最为短暂。人生的价值不在于生命之长短。鱼玄机的生命虽如白驹过隙,但其留存的50首诗作,在思想、艺术上具有一定建树。论文试图在搜集女冠诗人鱼玄机资料基础上,借鉴和吸收学术界研究成果,考察其生平经历及与宗教的关系,并对其诗歌内容、成就及其局限进行分析研究。全文包括绪论、正文、结语和附录等若干部分。绪论部分主要阐述论文选题及本选题的研究成果。正文共分三章。第一章评述鱼玄机生平和著作情况,内容分四方面。其一介绍鱼玄机生平和经历;其二简析鱼玄机与道教的关系;其三辑录鱼玄机相关史料;其四为鱼玄机著作编年。第二章分析鱼玄机诗歌内容及艺术特色,具体剖析鱼玄机诗歌类型和艺术特色。鱼玄机诗歌,爱情诗占大多数,此外还有一些代人悼亡诗、走仙访道诗、冶游运动诗。其本人入道教经历也有助于诗人女性独立意识的觉醒。鱼玄机具有较强的女性意识,主要表现在婚姻爱情观、价值观等方面,从其诗歌内容可以反映。第三章讨论鱼玄机诗歌成就和局限。论文对其诗歌持肯定态度,而其诗歌也是后人认知其人的第一手材料。其诗歌特色和艺术成就,奠定其在唐代诗坛的地位,也是研究妇女史的重要资料。受时代局限,其思想和诗作也存在不足之处。结语为鱼玄机的总论。身为女性,鱼玄机承受着短暂婚姻、失意爱情,悲惨结局等诸多不幸;作为诗人,她又是成功的,其现存的50首诗歌,不仅具有较高艺术成就,在女性文学史占有突出地位,还对研究中国古代妇女史具有一定史料价值。鱼玄机的诗歌艺术成就较高,并具有一定特色,鱼玄机具有一定进步性;在充分肯定其创作成就和贡献的同时,指出其思想和诗作存在的不足。

【Abstract】 The Tang Dynasty to the history of our country during the period of unprecedented prosperity, economic development, national prosperity, prosperity, prosperous culture, so flourishing age background, Buddhism, Taoism and the Western religious and other religions are widely spread, resulting in a special group--female Taoist Poets:they are religious, and poet. Three outstanding female Taoist Poets in the Tang Dynasty, Yu has experienced ups and downs, life is short, but left many has a certain influence on the outstanding poetry. The value of life lies not in the length of the. Free life is fleeting, but the remaining 50 poems, in thought, art has a certain contribution.This paper attempts to gather in the priestess poet on the basis of the data, draw lessons from academic research results, examines the experiences and relationship with religion, and the poetry content, achievement and limitation analysis. This article includes introduction, text, conclusion and appendix and so on some.Preface:mainly elaborated the paper’s topic and related research.Abstract:a total of three chapters. The first chapter is introduction to the life and works of Yu Xuan ji, consists of four parts:the first part introduces the free life and experiences; second part of Yu Xuan ji and Taoism; the third part invoking related historical materials; fourth part of Yu Xuan ji chronological situation statement copyright. The second chapter analysis of Yu Xuan ji poem content and artistic characteristics, specific analysis of Yu Xuan ji types of poetry and artistic characteristics. Free poetry, love poems, love poems the majority, in addition, there are some generations Memorial poetry, go visit poem immortal, sports poetry. Taoist doctrine helps the poet of the awakening of female consciousness. Yu has a strong female consciousness, mainly in the marriage and love view, values and other aspects, as reflected in the poetry of the ideological content by reflected. The third chapter summarizes the achievements and limitations of Yu Xuan ji’s poetry. To affirm its achievement in poetry, free poetry became later cognitive understanding of her first hand materials, poetry achievements is higher, confirmed her position in poetry, to study the history of Chinese women and has a certain historical value; at the same time his thoughts and poems has certain limitation.Conclusion:should see to be free of unfortunate and success. As women, under a short-lived marriage, frustrated love, tragedy and many other unfortunate; as a poet, she is successful, the existing 50 poems, not only has high artistic achievements in the history of female literature, occupies a prominent position, also on the study of ancient Chinese women’s history has a certain historical value. Free poetry achievements is higher, and has certain characteristics, Yu Xuan ji thought beyond the era, has certain progress; in the full recognition of its creation achievement and contribution while, pointed out its thought and poetic deficiencies.

【关键词】 鱼玄机女冠诗人艺术成就史料价值
【Key words】 YuXuanjiFemale Crown PoetArtistic Achievement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期