

【作者】 董永飞

【导师】 燕金武;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 情报学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 谷歌曾公开发表言论称,“谷歌的任务是组织世界一切信息使其可普遍获得与使用”,为了实现这一崇高任务谷歌宣布了数字图书馆计划。谷歌数字图书馆解决版权授权问题所采取的版权策略打破以往常规,而这种版权策略是否具有法律合理性,需对谷歌数字图书馆版权合理使用、opt-out与和解协议进行分析。而对于版权持有者——作者的表现非常矛盾,需通过分析美国作家协会对谷歌的版权诉讼以了解版权人的真正意志。谷歌数字图书馆的版权策略是一种版权强权行为,同时存在潜在的版权垄断风险。文中最后分析了谷歌版权策略对我国法律与版权授权管理的影响,据此提出我国法律建设与授权管理的应对策略,认为我国版权法律建设应重新审视信息技术的影响、完善合理使用制度、建立孤儿作品版权保护制度、规范默示许可行为、重新思考侵权行为管辖的地域性;我国授权管理应加强行业自律、加强版权行政管理等。

【Abstract】 Google has claimed that organizing the information all over the word is their final goal and making it available and usable for anyone in public, so Google Inc., announced a projection -- Google Books (Google Digital Library). The solution taken in Google digital library for resolving copyright have broken the routine, and whether this copyright policy is legal or not will be judged by the analyzing of fair use, opt out and Settlement Agreement. But for the authors’paradoxical performance, we have to know which is their real volition via analyze the Author’s Guild vs. Google Inc., The copyright policy of Google is a compulsory copyright behavior, and at the same time there is a potential risk of copyright monopoly. Then, this paper analyses the impact to our law and copyright management coming from Google’s copyright method. Based all on, The author throw out the relevant strategy in law building and authorization management, and point out that we should think over the influence of the information technology in a new perspective view at the time of legislation, and should improve the fair use doctrine, establish the protection system of the orphan work s copyright, take effort to standardize the implied license, and reconsider the jurisdiction’s district of infringement. At last, this paper pinpoint that we should strengthen industry self-discipline and copyright administrative management in authorization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】D923.41;F204
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】303
  • 攻读期成果