

【作者】 刘岩

【导师】 王明琴;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 甲银行成立于上个世纪五十年代初期,是中国历史最悠久的商业银行之一。作为中国第一批股份制改革试点的国有商业银行,甲银行先后在香港联合交易所和上海证券交易所A股市场成功上市,目前已经成为国内服务质量最好、盈利能力最强、最具市场竞争能力和风险控制能力的商业银行之一。黑龙江省分行作为甲银行下辖的省一级分行,目前所辖的营业网点覆盖了全省13个经济行政区域。近年来,该行始终坚持“以客服为中心”的经营理念,坚持依法合规经营,积极推进战略转型和服务创新,努力提高风险控制水平和价值创造能力,力争为客户提供最佳服务。随着近年来国有企业改革和该行股改上市,经营业绩有了明显提高,风险防范能力进一步增强,价值创造能力发展潜力巨大。伴随着企业的快速发展,随之对人力资源管理也提出了更高的要求,而现阶段人力资源管理最主要的难题是用工总量的高位运行与实际有效用工人员不足之间的矛盾很难有效解决。因为受总行对黑龙江分行用工总量指标的限制,现阶段很难实现大规模增配用工指标来解决这一问题,因此,本课题将研究的重点放在如何有效盘活现有人力资源,通过对下辖机构的功能定位进行分析,进而实现提高人力资源配置和机构的用工匹配的有效性和合理性,以达到解决有效用工不足的目的。

【Abstract】 A bank established in the early twentieth century, is the oldest commercial banks. As the first joint-stock reform of state-owned commercial banks, a bank has in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange share market listing is successful; the current quality of service has become the best and most profitable, most competitive market and risk control ability of the commercial banks. A bank branch in Heilongjiang Province as a branch under the jurisdiction of the provincial level, the current business outlets covered under the jurisdiction of the province’s 13 administrative regions of the economy. In recent years, the bank has always adhered to the "customer-centric" business philosophy, adhere to the law compliance management, and actively promote the strategic transformation and service innovation, and strive to improve the level of risk control and value creation capabilities, and strive to provide the best customer service.With the recent reform of state-owned enterprises and the bank stocks were listed, with significantly improved operating performance, risk prevention was further enhanced ability to create value and huge development potential. With the rapid development of enterprises, followed by human resources management has put forward higher requirements, and the first phase of human resources management major problem is the high amount of labor and the real effective running conflict between a shortage of labor is difficult to effective solution. Because of employment by the head office of the Heilongjiang Branch of the restrictions of aggregates at this stage is difficult to achieve with large-scale employment index increased to address this issue, therefore, the focus of this project will study on how to effectively make an inventory of existing human resources through the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Function of the analysis, thus achieving improved allocation of human resources and institutional effectiveness and rationality of employment matching to achieve the purpose of solving the effective labor shortage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F832.3
  • 【下载频次】110