

【作者】 岳龙

【导师】 韩宝生;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 上世纪90年代以来,随着数码相机的普及和电脑互联网的迅速发展,我们的生活中充斥着大量图像,人类进入到“读图时代”,图像文化为传统绘画提供了丰富的视觉素材。传统绘画坚持从“生活”到“艺术”的创作原则,把现实生活看作艺术创作的第一资源;而一些应用摄影图像进行创作的画家则坚持从“观念”到“艺术”的原则,把现成的图像资料亦作为艺术创作的重要资源。一些画家用近似照片的绘画方式反映当代人原生态的生活现实,表达一种新的真实;一些画家将上世纪五六十年代的老照片加工成独特的绘画语言,通过对老照片图式的借鉴,传达出他们那一代人经历的特有历史记忆。还有一类画家对现实的人物或装置进行有主观意图的摆设后进行拍照,然后把拍到的照片“复制”到画布上。总的来说,当代油画创作已经越来越离不开对图像的使用。科技的进步为艺术创作提供了巨大技术支持,电脑图像处理技术正被逐渐应用到油画创作中,油画创作的方式正在产生巨大变革。对于一部分画家来说,创作的前期过程已经演变成在电脑上进行图像处理的过程。一些“后生代”画家的创作已打破传统油画规则,从现代科技那里获得创作灵感,比如:把毫不相关的图片排列在画面中,通过荒诞的想象呈现一种虚拟的真实来表达画家内心的状态。摄影和数字技术的运用,给当代画家的创作带来了极大的便利,大大节约了油画创作的时间,画家可以把主要精力用在创造性思维上。图像资源及数字技术的运用,丰富了当代中国油画创作的语言和形式,使传统的油画获得了新的发展空间。但是,如果不能合理地借鉴照片和数字技术,现代科技对油画创作也存在不利的因素。油画如果变成机械模仿照片,就失去了绘画性,也就失去了油画的灵魂。如果创作完全依赖电脑软件产生的效果,简单的拼凑,追求图像带给人的感官刺激和新奇,作品会让人感觉肤浅和虚张声势。因此,新一代艺术家不能唯技术是举,只有在创新的同时继承传统的精华,提高自身的艺术素养,注入真诚的情感,才能使高科技与艺术完美结合,创作出更多、更好、富于时代精神的优秀油画作品。

【Abstract】 Since on the century 90’s, the digital camera rapid popularization and the computer, the Internet rapid development, in our life has flooded the massive pictures, China is entering“interprets drawings the time”, the image culture has provided the rich visual source material for the traditional drawing. Traditional drawing insistence from“life”“art”creation principle, to real life facsimile regarding as art creation first resources; But the painter who carries on the creation using the photographic image persisted from“idea”“art”the principle, takes the ready-made image material the artistic creation the first resources.Some painters record the contemporary original ecology with the close picture effect the life reality, expressed one kind of new reality; Some painters on the century 560 age old pictures will process the unique drawing language, through to the old picture scheme model, will transmit the unique historical memory which they the generation of person will experience. Also some kind of painter carries on after the reality character or the installment has the subjective intention ornaments to carry on the photograph, then the picture which pats“the duplication”to the canvas on ......So forth, the contemporary oil painting creation already more and more could not leave to the picture use.The technical progress, provided the huge technical support for the artistic creation, the computer imagery processing technology has been applied gradually in the Chinese present age oil painting creation. The contemporary oil painting creation way is having the huge transformation, in part of painters, the creation preliminary process already evolved carries on the imagery processing on the computer. Some“the young man generation”in painter’s creation has broken the traditional oil painting technology rule, obtains the creation inspiration from modern science and technology there, for instance: The irrelevant picture arrangement in the picture, the imagination presents one kind through incredible -like real to express the painter innermost feelings hypothesized the condition.Photographic and the digital technology utilization, has brought the enormous convenience for the contemporary painter’s creation, saved the oil painting creation time greatly, the painter has been possible to use the main energy in the creative thought. At the same time, the image resources and the digital technology utilization, has enriched the Contemporary China oil painting creation language and the form, caused traditional the oil painting to obtain the recent development space.But, if cannot profit from the picture and the digital technology reasonably, the modern science and technology also has the disadvant- ageous factor to the oil painting creation. If the oil painting turns the machinery imitation picture, has lost pictorial, also has lost the oil painting soul. If creates the effect which the total dependence computer software produces, simple piecing together, the pursue image takes to human’s sense organ stimulation and novel, the work can let the human feel superficial and blusters.Therefore, the new generation of artist cannot only the technology be lifts, only then inherits traditional during innovation the essence, enhances own artistic accomplishment, pours into the sincere emotion, can cause the high tech and the artistic perfect union, creates many, better, is rich in the spirit of the age the outstanding oil painting work.

  • 【分类号】J213
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