

Research on the Financing for Low-rental Houses Project of Lanzhou State-owned Property Management CO.LTD

【作者】 唐艳梅

【导师】 焦克源;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 兰州市国资物业管理有限公司成立于2007年,自该公司成立以来就作为兰州市政府保障性住房建设的平台公司,着力完成兰州市市属企业棚户区(危旧房)改造工程。通过棚户区改造,整合土地资源,建设经济适用房、廉租房、公租房等保障性住房。截至2010年底已累计完成14户企业的拆迁,动迁5104户约1.6万人,熟化土地面积776.8亩,拆迁总面积31.72万平方米,累计新建保障性住房约206万平方米。在保障性住房建设过程中,兰州市国资物业管理有限公司承担了兰州市政府4012套廉租住房的建设任务,新建廉租住房20.06万平方米,占2010年兰州市廉租住房建设任务的93%。在廉租住房建设的过程中,融资难问题已成为困扰兰州市国资物业公司顺利推进项目建设的一大障碍。本文重点介绍了目前我国廉租房建设的现状及国内外廉租房建设融资方式,通过借鉴国内外相关经验,论述了兰州市国资物业公司廉租房项目建设融资方面的几个重要问题,如过多依赖政府补助资金;融资渠道单一等。并经过分析提出了几项解决措施。主要是:1、建立廉租房建设专项基金;2、在棚户区改造范围里建立房源储备制度;3、充分吸纳社会资源,参与廉租房建设;4、发行企业债券,拓宽廉租房筹资渠道;5、实行目标管理,合理制定融资计划;6、完善“公有产权”制度,加快廉租房的配售。

【Abstract】 Lanzhou State-owned Property Management CO.LTD was established in 2007.Since the company which is the indemnificatory housing construction platform has been built, it is trying its best to complete the project of shantytowns (old and dilapidated housing) reconstruction in Municipally-owned enterprise. With the way to the reconstruction of shantytowns, the integration of land resources, the construction of affordable housing, low-rental housing,public-rental housing and indemnificatory housing. Until the end of 2010, the accumulative total are 14 household of relocation business,5104 household of resettlement of urban inhabitants about 16000 people, 776.8 acres of land,317200 square meters the total area of enterprises demolition, 2060000 square metres new indemnificatory housing. In the process of building affordable housing, Lan zhou State-owned Property Management CO.LTD Undertook the task of building 4012 houses,200600 square meters new low-rental housing accounted for 93% of Low-rental housing construction. In the process of building low-rental housing, Capital raising is troubled by the smooth progress of projects, has became a major obstacle.This paper focuses on the present situation of low-rental housing construction and the financing means of low-rental housing construction in domestic and foreign, learns from experience of housing construction in domestic and foreign and discusses about the financing several important problems of low-rental housing construction, such as Overdependence on government subsidies; single financing channel; proposes several solutions after analysis:1. Establish a special fund for low-rent housing construction; 2. Build housing reserve system in shantytowns; 3.Absorb form the social resources and participate in the low-rental housing construction;4. Issue corporate bonds and broaden the financing channels of low-rental housing; 5.Establish target-oriented managementd and financing plan;6. Speed up the placement of low-rental housing and improve the system of public ownership.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F293.33
  • 【下载频次】101