

Project Management Study for Automotive Anti-vibration Development in H Corporation

【作者】 周杰

【导师】 张方华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车复杂的产品构成以及极长的供应链使得汽车零部件行业成为一个极其繁荣而庞大的产业。随着汽车行业在中国乃至全球范围内的快速增长,中国已经成为了各大汽车巨头以及零部件供应商们的必争之地,大量本土零部件供应商应运而生,大量跨国企业也纷纷涌入中国。无论是本土还是跨国零部件企业都将面临着巨大的机会和挑战,如何快速提升技术、开发及管理水平,适应中国国情,面对激烈的竞争,这是我们所需要重点思考的。项目管理无疑是回答这些问题的最好的答案。项目管理的基础理论经过几十年的发展相对来说已经比较成熟,目前大多数的研究主要集中于项目管理理论在不同行业或者领域的应用以及一些项目管理方法或工具的创新等。本文旨在利用现有的研究和应用资料,并结合作者的开发项目管理经验,借助于具体的项目来开展研究工作,期望能为提升和完善汽车减振器以及零部件行业的项目管理水平提供一些思路和方向。本文通过问卷调查并结合H公司的减振器开发项目的现状,归纳了汽车减振器开发项目管理现状、特点以及普遍存在的问题。接着分析这些问题,并将FMEA(潜在失效模式分析)这样一个质量风险控制工具应用于项目时间的风险管理中,整合现有工具或方法针对汽车减振器的行业特点提出了项目时间规划模型和质量管理执行模型的设想。最终,借助H公司C项目的案例,将项目时间规划模型和质量管理执行模型运用于其中,评价其实际效果,并肯定了该模型的思路,期待能够激发和完善更深层次的研究。

【Abstract】 The automotive part industry is turning thriving because of the complexity of the product and the long supply chain. With rapid growth of automobile industry all over the world, China is becoming the battlefield of the whole-vehicle and parts manufacturers. A lot of local suppliers were born, and many transnational corporations came into China, whatever the local and transnational supplier are facing great opportunity and challenge. We should thinking about How to improve developing technical and management, how to fit in the status of Chinese market, how to resist the threat.There is no doubt about that project management is the best solution to these problems. And the basic theory of project management has been improved and perfect along with the development for years. Nowadays we focus on the research of application in different field, as well as the creation of method and tools. The article try to apply the current research and author’s development and management experience into the existing project, expecting that providing some new concept and orientation to improve the level of project management for anti-vibration parts industry.With studying by questionnaire and the current development status in H Company, the article investigate and analyze the present situation, characteristic, and common existing problem in the anti-vibration parts industry. And succeed to apply the FMEA such quality control tool into the risk management of project timing. The author present the guess of project time planning model and quality management executive model based on combining the existing tool and method. And then the author brings the new concept into the C project, to evaluate and approve its feasibility, and expect to motivate intensive study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期