

Research on Green Design Technique of Power Tools

【作者】 乌春林

【导师】 刘文杰;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 绿色设计(Green Design)也称生态设计(Ecological Design)、环境设计(Design for Environment)、环境意识设计(Environment Conscious Design),即在产品整个生命周期内,着重考虑产品环境属性(可拆卸性,可回收性、可维护性、可重复利用性等)并将其作为设计目标,在满足环境目标要求的同时,保证产品应有的功能、使用寿命、质量等要求。绿色设计的原则被公认为“3R”的原则,即Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,减少环境污染、减小能源消耗,产品和零部件的回收再生循环或者重新利用。近十年来,电动工具逐渐从传统的以专业用户为主发展到今天以家庭DIY用户为主,其需求量随之呈现了井喷式的增长。电动工具的广泛应用,使其对环境的影响日益显著。电动工具对环境的影响主要表现在操作者伤害、各种废弃物、资源消耗、电磁干扰等方面。为此,本文针对电动工具所造成的上述环境影响,着重从产品的人体工程学设计、绿色材料选择和评价、可拆卸性设计、电磁兼容设计等方面入手,阐述电动工具绿色设计方法和技术,使电动工具产品除了满足既定的使用功能外,还具有良好的环境属性,更加环保和人性化。本文通过对电动工具绿色设计方法和技术的研究,为电动工具设计人员的设计工作提供了参考和依据,从设计源头上为绿色电动工具产品鸣锣开道,为保护和净化人类赖以生存的环境做出一份贡献。

【Abstract】 Green Design is also called Ecological Design, Design for Environment, and Evironment Conscious Design. In the whole life cycle of a product, Green Design focuses on environment properties of a product (ex. Disassembility, Recyclability, Maintainability, Reusability, etc), and take them as design objectives to satisfy environmental requirements and insure expected function, life and quality, etc. The principle of Green Design is known as‘3R’– Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It includes reducing environment pollution, decreasing energy consumption, resuing and reclying scrap products and components.In recent ten years, power tools’key user group changed from professional users to home DIY users, and demand of power tools increased with a tremendous speed. The wide use of power tools is causing more and more bad influences to envioroment. The influences are including bad effect to user healthy, lots of wastes, large consumption of resource, electromagnetical interference, etc. For these reasons, this thesis is to reaserch methodology and technique of power tool green design from several aspects including ergonomics design, green material selection and evaluation, disassembility design, electomagnetical compatibility design. The aim of this research is to try to improve traditional power tool design methodology and technique so that power tool products can be designed not only to satisfy user’s expectation for tool’s function and performance but also to have good envioronmental properties– be friendlier to environment.Through the research works for methodology and technique of power tool green design, this thesis is expected to providde strong support and reference to power tool designers. I hope this thesis can contribute some to protection and purification of the evioronment that we human beings reply on for living.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期