

The Research on the Tactics Comparison of Chinese Dynasty and Northern Ethnics in Qin and Han Dynasty

【作者】 杨涤非

【导师】 胡火金;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 秦汉时期中原王朝与北方民族的战争在双方关系史上具有突出地位。本文以秦汉时期中原王朝与北方民族战争的战术为研究对象,利用现有的文献和考古实物,结合现代军事学理论,以战术为中心,从交战双方的火力、防护和机动三个方面入手,通过对双方武器装备、军队编成与战斗队形、后勤保障、协同作战及其战术特点的对比分析,认为良好的战术是战斗、战役乃至决定战争胜负的重要保证。中原王朝军队以综合国力为后盾,凭借先进的武器装备、娴熟的协同作战能力和完善的后勤保障,在战术上占有优势。战术上的优势是中原王朝军队在作战中逐渐取得优势并最终取得战争胜利的根本原因。此外,研究认为,以游牧民族轻骑兵为主体建立的单一兵种军队在战术上是处于劣势的,其得逞于一时只是历史发展中的短时间的、反常的现象。成建制的、训练有素的骑兵才是战争所需要的骑兵这种重要兵种的存在形式。诸兵种合成军队以协同作战的战术遂行作战才是赢得战斗乃至战争胜利的保证。同时,在战斗中只有使用合适的战术才能取得战斗的胜利,反之,即使拥有装备的优势也会败北。

【Abstract】 In the age of Qin and Han dynasty, war had to be considered one of the most important parts on the relationship between the chinese dynasty and Northern ethnics(including Huns, Qiang, Wuhuan and Xianbei). This paper focuses on the tactics that used by two counterparts of this period. According to the literature, archaeology and modern military theory, targeting the comparison of tactics, research made on weapons, formations, logistics and combined arms operation, to analyse and discover the relationship of firepower, protection and mobility. The author thinks that the fine Tactics is the accelerator of combat capability, and it can ensure the victory of the combat and the campaign, even the war. With the mightiness of comprehensive national strength, the army of chinese dynasty always have the advantage over the Northern ethnics on weaponery, coordination, logistics and tactics. The Tactical advantage was the key fact that chinese dynasty won the war.Furthermore, the author points out that the army of Northern ethnics commonly consisted of singly light cavalry. This kind of under armored, often undisciplined light cavalry were always in the dry tree on the battlefield. In rare cases singly light cavalry won the battle. Well formed and disciplined cavalry is the only necessary mobile force on the battlefield in the ancient time. The combined arms force consisted of infantry, cavalry even chariot sometimes was the leading actor of the war and the tactics of combined arms operation was the key to the victory. Obviously, whether well armed or not, the winner was the one who executed the correct Tactics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期