

The Application of "Joe Han Windows" Theory in the Class Management of Senior Grade 1

【作者】 奚海燕

【导师】 刘电芝;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国传统教育模式下,讲究师道尊严,师生之间关系淡漠。“一日为师,终生为父”和“严师出高徒”等思想根深蒂固,学生的独立性被抹杀,学生对老师必须绝对服从,经过多年的教育之后,我们生产出来的是统一标准的合格品。但这种模式已经不适合今天的校园了。如今的校园早已更新换代,“90后”的学生和“80后”的老师相会于高中的起始阶段——高一年级,他们共同构建了我们的新校园。他们都经历了中国的改革开放,都感受到了国家富强带来的各种现代化便利,都拥有属于他们自己的特色,也都有属于他们自己的烦恼,在老一辈人的眼中,他们都是“异类”。我国快速发展的经济环境与独生的家庭条件造就了现代学生张扬的个性,他们过分追求满足自我的要求,产生了这样那样的问题,以实际情况来看,当代高中生存在心理亚健康的问题非常普遍,早恋、高傲、逆反、从众、作弊、松懈、焦虑等现象随处可见。同时生活在快节奏的新时代,接受学校、家长、学生三方夹击,老师身上承担着更大的压力。为了提高升学率,我们不得不时时加班,周一至周五从早七点工作到晚十点是家常便饭;周六周日给学生拔优补差更是理所当然,这些情况无形中就延长了教师的工作时间;为了驯服更加独立特行的学生,在班级管理中“一言堂”现象频频出现,班主任专断、班干部专职化等问题严重,师生矛盾、学生之间的矛盾时有爆发。针对这些情况,笔者大胆运用“乔韩窗口”理论于高一班级管理中,主要概括为:班级管理的主要责任人是班主任,所以老师首先要摆正自己的位子,做到爱无差别、互相尊重、创造快乐、平等对话。老师和学生的关系定位以平等为出发点,拒绝敌对,向同盟、朋友、亲人靠拢。同时利用引导的方式分别以比较法、经验法、反省法,启发学生扩大公开区、探索未知区、减小盲目区、收缩隐秘区,从而对自己形成一个全新的认识,增强自信心,改善高一学生厌学的现状,为学生终身发展奠基。最后,在班级日常管理时,实行师生共同管理,分别制定文体活动目标、争创目标、学习目标等前进方向,全员参与,责任到人,提升班级凝聚力。通过营造良好学习环境,创设和谐班级氛围,促动学生学会正确定位,初步形成自我认识。这能有效地促进教师和学生关系的改善。其次,有助于促进或改进因不具备良好沟通能力的学生的学习,尽可能改善学生的状况,促进他们彼此之间的情谊。更有利于实施素质教育,有利于促进人类的学习,使学生成为终身学习者。

【Abstract】 In China, the traditional mode of education paid attention to the dignity of teachers, and teacher-student relationship was indifferent. " Day as a teacher, father of a lifetime " and " Talented students are trained by strict teacher " so deeply rooted in ideology, independence of the students was denied and students had to obey the teacher. After years of education, we produced a uniform standard of qualified products. However, this model is no longer suitable for today’s campus. Today, the campus has long been upgrading. Post-90s students and post-80s teachers meet the initial stage - Senior Grade 1, working together to build our new campus. They have gone through China’s reform and opening up, all experiencing the prosperity of the country and the various modern conveniences, having characteristics and troubles of their own. In the eyes of the elder generation, they are "heterogeneous."However, the rapid development of economic environment and family conditions creates a modern student assertive personality. They too seek to meet the requirements of self, resulting in many problems such as puppy love, haughtiness, antagonistic psychology, group psychology, cheating, slack, anxiety and so on. These sub-health problems of psychological are very common in contemporary high schools to the actual situation. While living in the fast-paced new era, with the attack from schools, parents and pupils, the teachers bear the greater pressure. In order to improve the enrollment rate, we have to always work overtime, from Monday to Friday, from morning to night ,working from seven to twenty-two; Saturday and Sunday, making it more superior to the students for granted, virtually extend the work time of teachers; special line to tame the more independent students, the class management "mouthpiece" of the phenomenon is frequent. Arbitrary class teacher, class and other serious problems of full-time cadres lead to the outbreak of the teacher-student contradiction and the student-student contradiction.For these situations, I use boldly "Joe Han windows" theory in the high school class management, mainly summarized as follows: the primary responsibility for class management is class teacher, so the teacher must first get their own seat, so no difference in love with each other, to respect each other, to create happiness, and equal dialogue. The relationship between teachers and students locates an equal starting point, refusing hostile to allies and being closer to friends and loved ones. We also guide the way to comparative law, empirical method, reflection method to inspire students to expand the open area, to explore unknown areas, reducing the blind area and hidden area contraction, and thus the formation of a new understanding of their own, and enhance self-confidence, improve weariness of the status quo of high school students, lay the foundation stone for the development of student life.Finally, in the daily management of the class, teachers and students implement co-management, developing goals of cultural and sports activities, striving for goals, learning objectives and other forward direction. Full participation and responsibility to the people improve class cohesion. By creating a good learning environment, the creation of a harmonious atmosphere in the class, students are motivated to learn the correct position, the initial formation of self-awareness. This can effectively promote the improvement of relations between teachers and students. Secondly, help to promote or improve those who do not have the communication skills as much as possible to improve the student’s status, promote their mutual friendship. It’s more conducive to the implementation of quality education, and enabling students to become lifelong learners.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期