

The Western Society Impression of Occidental Travel Notes in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 金碧莲

【导师】 马亚中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 晚清域外游记的兴起是特殊历史时代下的产物,鸦片战争的失败使得士大夫们积极寻求救国救民之道,文学上产生了“经世致用”的思潮,域外游记的创作也越来越重视对国家治理的作用。因此,域外游记多描写域外山水风物、先进科技发明、文化经济制度,题材新奇、数目众多。通过这些游记,可以清晰的了解到当时西行者们对西方文明从怀疑抗拒到接受学习的心理嬗变过程。由于多年来晚清域外游记一直没能为人们所关注,因此对它的研究相当匮乏。域外游记数目繁多,内容驳杂,本论文只对欧美游记作为研究分析的对象。本论文分为四章:首先,结合晚清时代历史背景分析域外游记产生的原因,总结传统游记的发展特色,突出晚清域外游记在此基础上的继承与突破。其次,本文分三章归纳罗列晚清游记中描写西方国家的格致之学、经济政治制度建设、及异域风土人情的概况,其中结合中西差异与西行者们的感触与反思。本文的重点在于描绘域外游记中西方社会的生活实态及揭示西行者对西方社会的独到见解,同时联系时代和社会大环境,展现了晚清西行者们眼中的西方社会形象。

【Abstract】 Travel notes on foreign places in late Qing Dynasty is the product of special historical circumstances. The defeat of the Qing government in the opium war compelled many scholar-bureaucrats exploring earnestly a bright future for the nation and people. Under this circumstance, a trend of thought, that is,“literary works should serve the need of society”, emerged in the field of literature. Travel notes, as an important literary style, tend to emphasize its role on the running of the country. In this case, numerous travel notes which described and presented foreign landscapes and cultural systems, were created at that time. Through the research of travel notes on foreign, we could learn the process of scholar-bureaucrats’feelings changed from resisted at the beginning to accept in the later.For some unknown reason, such kind of travel notes has long been ignored and nearly no study has been made on it. Since that kind of travel notes features large number and various themes, I would like to make detailed study on Occidental travel notes which are typical and systematical.This thesis is divided into three sections:In the first section, from the angle of social background, the thesis explores the causes of the creation of the travel notes on foreign places in the late Qing Dynasty, and then summarized the characteristics of traditional travel notes. Based on this development, travel notes in the late Qing Dynasty emphasised on the inherited and carried forward the traditional travel notes .In the second section, this thesis divided to three chapters introduced the dynamic force for the development of modern science, the superiority of the economic and political system, and the modern western social customs. The travelers concerned about the difference between western and Chinese cultures and made some reflection.This thesis emphasis on described the real situation of western countries and revealed the western travelers’thought and reflection. At the same time, this thesis combine analysis with background, fully display the impression of western society in western travelers’eyes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期