

Research on the Qualification of Plaintiff in Environmental Public Interest Litigation

【作者】 张帆

【导师】 张贵玲;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国环境法虽然起步较晚,但经过三十多年的立法努力,已初步形成了适应市场经济体系的环境法律和标准体系,但环境污染、生态破坏并未得到有效控制,反而愈演愈烈。我国环境法主要依靠政府行使环境监督管理权实施,缺乏有效的公众参与机制,环境公益诉讼制度的缺失是造成这种局面的主要原因之一。世界多数国家的经验表明,环境公益诉讼制度是遏制损害环境行为的有效机制。环境公益诉讼原告资格立法的缺位成为制约我国环境公益诉讼发展的瓶颈。我国应在符合本国国情的基础上,学习借鉴国外经验,构建我国环境公益诉讼原告资格法律制度。本文除引言和结语外,共分为五章:第一章是对我国地方司法实践中环境公益诉讼原告资格现状的实证研究。实践已经走在了立法的前面,一些地方出现了检察机关、环境管理机关、环保非政府组织作为原告提起环境公益诉讼的成功案例。云南、贵州、江苏等地通过制订地方规范性文件尝试拓宽环境公益诉讼原告资格范围。但由于地方规范性文件效力等级较低,适用范围有限,更多的环境公益诉讼案件被法院拒之门外。第二章对英美法系和大陆法系部分国家环境公益诉讼原告资格立法与司法实践进行考察。以比较法的视角对这些域外先进经验进行总结,并指出了对我国的启示。第三章介绍了我国环境公益诉讼应选择的启动模式以及我国环境公益诉讼原告资格扩张的路径。第四章对我国环境公益诉讼适格原告分类进行了分析。建议赋予检察机关、环境管理机关、环保非政府组织、律师协会、律师环境公益诉讼诉权。第五章提出了对环境公益诉讼原告诉权的保障措施。

【Abstract】 Our environmental laws although started fairly late, but after more than thirty years of hard work, has established a system of environmental laws and standards, but environmental pollution and ecological destruction did not get the effective control, but intensified. Our environmental law mainly rely on government exercise environment and control implementation, the lack of effective public participation mechanism, environmental public litigation system is due to the lack of one of the main reasons for this situation. Experience suggests that most countries, environmental public litigation system is to contain the damage the effective mechanism environmental behavior. Environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification legislation vacancy become restricting our environmental public interest litigation development bottleneck. China should accord with the condition of a country, and on the basis of learning experience abroad, constructing environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification legal system.This article except preface and conclusions, which can be divided into five chapters outside:The first chapter is to our local judicial practice of environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification status of empirical studies. Practice has walked in front of legislation, Some parts of the prosecution, environmental management agencies, environmental non-governmental organizations as plaintiffs filed the success of environmental public interest litigation cases. yunnan, guizhou, jiangsu, etc by setting place normative documents to try to broaden the scope of environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification. But with local regulatory documents effectiveness level is low, applicable scope is limited, more environmental public interest litigation case rejected by the court.The second chapter of Anglo-American law and civil law of nations environmental public interest litigation plaintiff qualification legislation and judicial practice for an investigation. By comparison to the perspective of foreignfiction summarizes the advanced experience of our country, and points out the enlightenment.In the third chapter presents environmental public interest litigation should choose start-up mode and the establishment of environmental public litigation plaintiff qualification expansion of the path.The fourth chapter of our environmental public interest litigation optimum case the plaintiff classification was analyzed. Suggest that give procuratorial organs, environmental management organs, environmental non-governmental organization,lawyers association, lawyers environmental public interest litigation right.Chapter 5 for action by public security measures. the plaintiff’s right to lodge appeals.
