

The Empirical Study on Overseas NGOs Participating in the Construction of a Harmonious Society in the Ethnic Areas of China

【作者】 海晓君

【导师】 康春英;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文在分析借鉴国内外关于非政府组织研究领域的相关理论和研究成果的基础上,通过对境外非政府组织及其介入民族地区不同群体的人员进行问卷调查和访谈,收集相关资料,运用社会学和政治学的研究方法对占有的资料加以分析、梳理和研究。从价值审视和趋利避害的存取关系中深入剖析了境外非政府组织存在的合理性和有效性,从民族地区和谐社会建设的角度对非政府组织的发展和管理进行了探讨。以期为境外非政府组织参与民族地区经济社会建设的合理性进行解说,为政府有效管理境外非政府组织提供政策建议。文章第一部分介绍了非政府组织的相关理论概念,论述了全球治理中非政府组织的地位、作用、意义以及非政府组织对全球治理格局的影响,为后文的论述做了理论铺垫;第二部分对和谐社会视域下境外非政府组织参与民族地区和谐社会建设的可能性进行了思考;第三部分以宁夏南部山区三县为例,从当地经济社会发展现状,民众项目需求以及非政府组织的项目活动等入手,探讨了境外非政府组织参与当地和谐社会建设的有效性、合理性和趋向性;文章最后分析了境外非政府组织参与我国民族地区和谐社会建设的现实困境,并就非政府组织加强行业自律和能力建设以及我国政府加快和推进境外非政府组织管理体系建设问题进行了思考。希望,境外非政府组织能与政府一道解决少数民族群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,推进民族地区经济社会的全面、协调和可持续发展。

【Abstract】 By using foreign correlation theories and research results about NGOs for reference, the article collects the relevant in formations by questionnaire and interview on overseas NGOs and different personnel groups involved in the ethnic areas, and then analyze, comb and study them by research methods sociology and political science. Analysis the effectiveness, the value examination and advantages of overseas NGOs,from the view of harmonious society construction in ethnic areas. Then explain the rationality of the overseas NGOs participating in the construction of harmonious society in the ethnic areas, and supply some suggestions for the government to take an effective management on overseas NGOs.The first part of the article introduces the related theory and concept of the NGOs, discusses the status, role and significance of the NGOs in global governance, and NGOs impact on the global governance pattern, and it plays a foreshadowing role of the whole article. The second part analyzed that the foreign NGOs involved in building the harmonious society in the minority areas under the harmonious views. The third part takes the three counties of Ningxia southern mountainous area as an example, starting with the status of the local economic and social development, people needs of project and NGOs projects analyze to analyze the rationality, effectiveness and top taxis of the overseas NGOs participating in the construction of harmonious society in the ethnic areas. The last part analyses the realistic predicament of overseas NGOs participating in the construction of harmonious society in the ethnic areas of China, and thinks about the trade self-discipline and capacity-building of the overseas NGOs and promotion of Chinese government management system on overseas NGOs.Hope that Chinese government together with overseas NGOs can solve the interest problems which are most practical ,most direct and most concerned by the minority people, to promote a comprehensive, coordination and sustainable development of ethnic areas of China.
