

【作者】 李德

【导师】 魏明;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国改革开放与经济的高速发展,快捷酒店如雨后春笋般在中国的大江南北遍地开花。对这样一个新兴并高速发展的行业,我们缺乏对它的了解和研究,为什么快捷酒店能在短时间内迅速的占领市场而装修豪华设施齐全的星级酒店的入住率却持续下降?快捷酒店的成功单单是因为价格方面的优势还是有其他方面的原因?在这一行业结束爆炸性的高速成长以后我们又应该以怎样的理论来指导其进一步的良性发展、或者快捷酒店只是昙花一现,是经济高速增长时期的特殊现象。这些都需要我们利用更科学和合理的工具进行研究,为其解答。联合分析方法是对消费者对产品与服务偏好取向进行预测与分析的有效方法。在欧美发达国家,这一方法的研究和应用已经相当成熟和普遍,而近些年来,随着国内市场化程度的成熟和完善,把联合分析方法用于对消费者行为进行分析、评价竞争性产品与服务、以及模拟消费者决策过程中的现象越来越普遍。本文将联合分析这种有效的数量经济分析方法运用到中国境内快捷酒店行业的研究,借助先进的统计分析软件SPSS,来设计问卷并处理受访者反馈的大量数据,以作为支持来真正的挖掘快捷酒店发展背后所埋藏的根本原因。首先,本文阐述了联合分析方法的原理、概念与实施步骤,并说明了把联合分析用于市场调研的重要意义;随后,文章从消费者行为角度分析了消费者的决策过程;然后,对快捷酒店行业进行了背景研究,并以此为基础提出了联合分析所需要的各关键属性以及属性水平;最后,对快捷酒店的消费者进行了问卷调查并对运用联合分析对调查结果进行了分析,以此为基础提出了快捷酒店发展的指导意见。

【Abstract】 With the high speed development of China and the practice of the reform and opening-up policy, express hotel is springing around the whole country. To an emerging industry like this, we are lack of proper understanding and profound research. The following questions are still haunting around us: why could express hotel capture the market in a remarkable pace? And on the other hand, the Luxury Hotels are suffering from shortage of customers and consumptions. Is the price of the express hotel the only reason for their success? Or there still exist other reasons. After an explosive development, what should we use to direct it to a virtuous circle? Or the express hotel is just a flash in the pan. Those are all necessities that people should take good advantages of scientific methods and reasonable instruments to offer results.Conjoint analysis is an effective method to forecast customers consuming inclination. This method is widely used in developed country for many years. In recent years, according to the process of market development, it is generally accepted that conjoint analysis has been as making evaluation of product or service and appraising consumers’decision processes.This article applied quantitative economic analysis into research of express hotel within China. With the help of the most advanced analytical software SPSS, we designed questionnaire for data collection and statistics in order to make clear the phenomenon of high-speed development to express hotel industry. Firstly, the article elaborated the conception, principle and steps of execution, and then clarified the meaning of using conjoint analysis into marketing research. Then, the article analyzes the procedure of how the customer makes decisions. Meanwhile, through the learning of the case background, we proposed the key property and its levels; finally, the dates from questionnaires are processed by conjoint analysis. Depended on the result from the analysis, we offered many useful and constructive suggestions for express hotel industry.
