

The Study of the Medical Humanistic Education about the Students of Medical Science of Law

【作者】 李枞

【导师】 宫福清;

【作者基本信息】 大连医科大学 , 伦理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对于医疗纠纷的频频发生,社会各界早已提出解决方案并加以实施。培养专业的医事法律人才一直是解决这一社会问题的重要措施。然而,近年来医疗纠纷的发生率却有增无减。尽管造成这一现象的原因很多,并不能仅靠培养专业的医事法律人才这一种方式进行解决,但是,我们仍然有必要思考专业人才的培养是否真的能够满足社会的需求,在培养专业人才的过程中是否存在不足之处。医事法律专业的学生毕业后大都从事具有医法相结合性质的工作,这些工作的共同特点在于工作人员始终维护自身所代表的一方的利益。进而导致医方仍不同情患方,患方仍不理解医方,医患矛盾继续恶化的结果。如果医事法律专业人才能在了解医学的本质,具备医学人文精神的基础上从事这类工作,结果将大不相同。医学人文精神是人文精神在医学领域的体现,是以人类的身心健康生存的可持续发展为价值理想,一切医学活动都应是这种价值理想的物化和对象化的一种精神存在。医学人文精神的培育,是指通过一系列有目的的训练,使得受培育者真正自发地关注人的生命神圣、生命质量、生命价值和人类未来的健康幸福,关注人类身心健康和自然、社会与人之间的和谐互动及可持续发展。机械式地获取医学人文知识,完成课时,修满学分并不是这一系列训练的目的,其真正目的在于使得受培育者在学习人文知识的同时,能够于内心深处积淀出关于生命、健康以及死亡、疾病的正确观念,真正理解医学的含义,并发自内心地关爱生命,理解病人。本文从医学院校医事法律专业学生医学人文精神的培育出发,着眼当前实际,从观念确立、课程设置、临床教学、师资力量等方面探讨医学院校在医事法律专业学生的医学人文精神培育方面存在的不足。即缺乏培育医事法律专业学生医学人文精神的观念,人才培养目标和实践均缺乏医学人文精神观念;课程体系中医学和医学人文课程较少,医学课程为该专业的辅助课程,且缺乏医学人文课程;临床实习缺乏医学人文精神的培育,医事法律专业学生缺少直接与患者接触的机会;缺乏具备医学人文精神的师资力量,医学教师自身缺乏医学人文精神,没有医学知识的法学教师对医学人文精神的培育更是陌生。为解决医事法律专业人才在处理医疗纠纷、调节医患关系中出现的问题,需要加强该专业学生的医学人文精神培育。医学人文精神培育是现代高等医学院校医事法律专业发展的必然要求,是现代医学模式和医学发展的必然要求。因此,要提高认识,不断加强医学人文观念培育,构建完善的医学人文课程体系,加强临床实习阶段的医学人文精神的培育,加强教师队伍建设。最终唤起人们的重视,实现医事法律专业学生的医学人文精神与法律职业精神并重的局面。

【Abstract】 Various measures have been proposed and taken to alleviate the medical dispute. Cultivating the students of medical science of law is one of the important measures. However, the incidence of medical dispute is also rising in recent years. There are so many reasons that we can’t only depend on cultivating the students of medical science of law. It is necessary to know that weather the measure could match the need of society and weather there are some defects in the process. The graduates always engage in the jobs which combine medical and law. The similarity of these jobs is that the employee always gives service to their boss. In that case, there is also little understanding between the doctors and patients. The conflicts worsen continually. If they can understand the nature of medicine and are full of medical humanity, it will be better.Medical humanity is the humanity in the medical field and reflects the sustainable development of human’s physical and mental health. All the medicine should be the spirit which is the materialization and objectifi- cation of it. Medical humanistic education will make human love life and healthy. It also makes human pay attention to the harmonious interaction and sustainable development among the nature, the society and human by purposive practice. The purpose is not that accessing to the medical humanistic knowledge, finishing curricula and credit hour. The purpose is that forming the right concept about life, healthy and disease. It also is that understanding the medicine and loving life and patients.This study is mainly starting from the medical humanistic education for the students of medical science of law and focusing on the current practice. It is starting from the concept, teaching content, clinical teaching and teachers to explore the lack of the medical humanistic education for the students of medical science of law. We find that the training objective and the practice are short of the concept of medical humanity. The course of medicine and medical humanity are insufficient in the curriculum. It is difficult to get the chance of contacting the patients for the students. The teachers are also short of medical humanity. In order to solve the problem between doctors and patients, we should strengthen medical humanistic education. At last, people will pay attention to it and the students of medical science of law will get the balance between medical humanity and legal professionalism.

  • 【分类号】G642;R-4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】170