

【作者】 程莉

【导师】 文传浩;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 城市产业转型是区域经济中的一个独特现象,其成功与否将直接影响区域经济的发展。重庆作为我国中西部唯一的直辖市,经济发展相对滞后,产业结构也存在诸多问题,亟需进行经济结构调整和产业转型。面对经济全球化进程的日益加速和扩展,国际国内产业转移趋势不可逆转,国内经济结构又进入大规模调整期,所以,转变经济发展方式,探求重庆产业转型模式,科学选定主导产业,成功进行重庆产业转型,是引领重庆新一轮经济增长的“引擎”。鉴于上述情况,本文在前人诸多相关研究成果基础上,初步构建了重庆产业转型理论体系。首先,对已有研究成果以及产业转型的相关理论进行梳理;通过国外典型城市产业转型的比较研究使重庆产业转型获得可借鉴的经验与教训;对产业转型的模式进行了研究,界定了产业转型的概念与内涵。其次,梳理了重庆产业转型的历史变迁,对产业结构的现状以及存在的问题进行了实证分析,运用偏离—份额分析法定量研究了产业转型与经济增长的内在联系。在此基础上,进一步论述了重庆产业转型的动力机制,提出了重庆产业转型的路径在于主导产业的选择以及产业转型模式的创新。在主导产业选择中,采用主成分分析法构造了主导产业的选择模型,并结合自身环境确定了7大主导产业;提出了以产业转移、集聚、融合及生态化促进重庆产业转型的创新模式。最后,提出了重庆产业转型顺利实施的保障措施。

【Abstract】 City industry transformation is one of the unique phenomenons of regional economy, whether it is successful or not will directly influence the development of regional economy. Chongqing, as the only municipality directly under the central government in middle and western of China, economic development is relatively slow, and the industrial structure also has many problems, it is urgent for the readjustment of the economic structure and industrial transformation. Facing the increasingly accelerated economic globalization, international and domestic industry expand irreversible, and domestic economic structure is entering into large-scale adaptation period, therefore, transform the mode of economic development, seek the industry transition mode of Chongqing and scientifically select dominant industries, successfully transform the industry of Chongqing, which is the "engine”of enabling a new round of economic growth of Chongqing.In view of the above situation, based on many related research results of industry transformation of predecessors, initially construct the Chongqing industry transformation theory system. Firstly, combed the existing research results and the related theory of industry transformation; comparatively studied the industry transformation of foreign typical city to enable Chongqing to get the experiences and lessons; studied the mode of industrial transformation and defined the concept and connotation of industry transformation. Secondly, combed the changes of Chongqing industry transformation, empirically analyzed the industrial structure and existing problems of the current situation, and quantitatively studied the inner link between industry transformation and economic growth by the method shift-share analysis. Then, further discussed the dynamic mechanism of industry transformation, putting forward the path of industry transformation is the selection of leading industry and the innovation of industrial transformation patterns. In the selection of dominant industry, constructed a dominant industry selection model though principal component analysis, and along with Chongqing own environment, determined seven leading industries; Put forward innovational model to promote Chongqing industry transformation by the transfer, concentration, fusion and ecological the industries. Finally, Security measures have suggested putting the industry transformation of Chongqing into practice smoothly.
