

Research of Multimedia Concordance on Line System to Enhance College English Colloquial Comprehension

【作者】 樊晓红

【导师】 李文中;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 英语是目前最常用的国际语言,但是中国属于把英语作为外语的国家,对于学习英语的学习者来说,由于文化的差异和语言环境的因素,对英语口语,特别是对话的理解能力有限,导致学习者在听力上,阅读上容易形成障碍。本研究的目的主要在于构建一个在线媒体语料库检索系统,此系统改变过去以文本为主的语料库检索工具,将现有的多媒体音频视频和网上的多媒体音频视频及其字幕作为语料,并用计算机技术整合成语料库,再开发出一套检索系统来检索,该系统可以索引多媒体影片字幕并同步播放相对应的多媒体影片片段。最后,利用此系统对大学一年级英语专业学生进行试验;这个试验以前测和后测的方式来进行口语理解能力的检测。试验对象为48位大学一年级学生,将其分为文本组和多媒体组两组,分别使用两种不同形式的语料库检索系统来测验;其结果显示,以多媒体语料库系统的方式来学习口语对话,确实可以提升学习的口语理解能力,同时也证实了利用多媒体的学习方式,比文字形式的学习方式有显著的效果。除此之外,进行问卷调查来了解学习者使用此系统的学习态度以及对于此系统使用后的评价,问卷所得到的结果显示学习者使用在线多媒体语料库检索系统的学习态度比文本式语料库检索系统更加肯定。最后,通过访谈来了解学习者使用不同形式的检索系统后,是否有提升语言学习的动机,以及在学习过程中所产生的认知现象;其结果显示学习者对网络多媒体语料库检索系统有比较明显的学习动机,对学习内容的回忆有明显的差异,同时两组学生对系统功能及建议内容也有明显的不同。

【Abstract】 English is considered as the most frequently used international language, however, being an EFL (English as Foreign Language) country, China has faced upon a major obstacle in the colloquial field of English, in which that lacks of cultural understanding and insufficient language environment for practice. This research aims to construct a“film-based concordance system”, which differs from former research systems that were mainly based on“text-based research”. This system formulates subtitles from multimedia by science technology and arranges it into source language storage. After that, a complete set of search engine is introduced to retrieve subtitles of the prescribed multi-medias from the source language system, which also play out the scenes where these subtitles were spoken. Lastly, put this system program into first year university English class as an experiment. This experiment is based on the before-and-after result of colloquial English understanding ability of students. Forty-eight freshmen are selected in this experiment. They are divided equally into text and multi-media groups. They are given language search systems to comprehend colloquial language. Results show that students understand better through the guidance of the film subtitle language system, which further proofs that inducing colloquial language situations through movie clips are better off understandable than categorizing it in text. Furthermore, questionnaires are drawn up for the users in order to evaluate and find out their attitude towards the system. The results in the questionnaires show that attitudes of students from the film subtitle language system having more certainties than those from the text language system. Finally, find out the motivation of students in different forms of language search system and phenomenon occurred during learning process through interview. Result shows that learners are distinctly and likely to be motivated in learning with the multimedia concordance online system. The two groups of students have shown different reactions towards the improvement of the system, and the impression of the conversation has a distinctive divergence in result.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】99