

Under the Guidance from the Quality Education Xinxiang City High School Physical Education Reform and Development

【作者】 陈肖坩

【导师】 李柳;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 素质教育已在中国开展多年,素质教育已经深入人心,中国各项教育措施和改革都围绕素质教育、提高全民素质为中心而展开,多年来的教育决策始终围绕着这一中心有条不紊的进行。但教育工作者对素质教育的看法不尽相同,相关的文献资料也很多,尤其是进入21世纪后,人们对素质教育的认识更呈现出百家争鸣、百花齐放的态势。正是国人对素质教育的关注才使得我国的素质教育取得可喜的发展,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。不少的文献资料都对素质教育做出细致的分析和不同的论述。本文通过对新乡市市区、原阳县、卫辉市(县级市)、获嘉县、辉县市(县级市)等地的12所高中的教师和学生进行调查、走访咨询,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计分析法、逻辑推理法等方法作为此次研究的方法进行调查访问、统计分析、归纳总结,从而得出相应的调查结果。本文是通过对新乡市普通高中教学现状的调查,从素质教育的角度分析新乡市普通高中的教育现状,对其中的素质教育所取得的成绩和出现的弊端做出细致的分析,提出相应的合理化建议。从调查结果可以看出,学生对体育的重视度也不高,分析原因是学生学习压力过大,应试教育高考这个指挥棒对学生束缚很大,导致学校和学生对其体育课重视度低,加上对体育资金的投入也低,这样就使学生体育基础知识掌握不足,掌握不全面,严重影响学生未来的全面发展。从教师的调查结果可以看出现阶段新乡市高中体育教师相对充裕,年龄搭配相对合理,但教师的学历相对偏低,将会直接影响学生的未来发展,产生这样的原因由社会多方面因素决定,因此应提高对体育的重视程度,加大体育资金的投入,加强体育老师的培训工作,提高课堂趣味性,促使学生全面发展。最后本研究得出以下结论:高中师生对体育课学习重视程度不足,直接影响学生体育基础的巩固;高中体育课场地器材缺乏,影响高中学生体育知识的全面发展;传统体育课形式压抑了学生的体育学习兴趣,影响了整体学生的体育学习效果;体育教师的专业文化水平教学方法和手段较为单调,影响了学生现阶段身心的发展;学生体育锻炼和终身体育意识淡薄,严重影响着学生未来的发展。同时提出以下建议:新乡市的教育主管部门要加强高中体育教师培训;学校领导要重视对体育课程改革贯彻与实施;新乡市财政部门和教育部门应加大经费投入;新乡市高中应大力开发体育资源;创新教学方法,提高教学质量;体育教师应因材施教,强调学生身心同步发展。

【Abstract】 Quality Education in China launched a vigorous twenty years, the quality of education should also be by the popular, China’s various education reform measures and focus on quality education, improve the quality of the center started, twenty years of educational policy-making has always been fighting around the center are engaged in an orderly, educators views on the quality of education are not the same, the teaching in schools of different regions, different educational groups with the views and opinions of education there is also adapted to local conditions, and the time This literature was also the case fully Khan cattle calf, especially into the 21st century, understanding of people’s quality of education is contending, flourishing. It is such people focus on quality education is quality education in China have produced encouraging development, and achieved remarkable results. Many of the literature are made of quality education and careful analysis, discussion of the different quality education.In this paper, Xinxiang urban areas, the original Yang, Hui, Walker, Huixian 12 high schools and other places have conducted a survey of students and teachers, visited the consultation, so to those surveyed teachers and students of this study object. This study made use of literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, statistics, logical analysis and other methods as a research method to investigate the access to, statistical analysis, summarized, and thus have the appropriate findings.This article is general by Xinxiang survey of teaching high school and analysis of the quality of education from the perspective of Xinxiang status of high school education, on which the quality of the education achievements and shortcomings of the items and make careful analysis, the proposed rationalize Summarizes the findings of the students can see the importance of sports the school is less than, a serious shortage of equipment, school grounds, students to the importance of sports is not high degree of analysis because of excessive pressure on students, the state’s emphasis on high school degree than nine years obligations of the low stage, leading to its emphasis on schools and students is low, physical capital is also low, so that the students master the basic knowledge of sports inadequate control is not comprehensive, total weight of students in the future. From the survey results show that teachers in high school physical education teachers at this stage is relatively abundant, with relatively reasonable age, but relatively low qualifications of teachers, will directly affect the future development of students, colleges and universities have a lot of reasons for this expansion, the impact of sports the overall level of knowledge and skills of teachers.Therefore, emphasis should be to increase sports, sports capital investment to improve and strengthen the training of PE teachers to improve classroom more interesting, to promote overall development of students.Finally this study the following conclusions: high school teachers and students lack of physical education learning emphasis, directly affects the student sports foundation consolidation; High school physical education facilities and lack, affect high school student sports knowledge comprehensive done development; Traditional physical education form suppresses the student’s sports study interest, affected the overall student’s sports learning effect of existing teachers’ professional cultural level teaching methods and means; Influenced the development of high school students present physical exercise and lifelong sports consciousness weak, the serious influence students’ future development. Meanwhile put forward the following Suggestions: the education department of xinxiang must strengthen the high school sports teacher training; School leaders should attach importance to PE curriculum reform implement and implementation; Xinxiang financial departments and education departments should enhance the funds investment; Xinxiang a area high school should develop sports resources; Innovative teaching methods, improve teaching quality; PE teachers’ teaching students according to their aptitude, emphasize the students’ physical and psychological synchronous development.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
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