

The Dual-phase Treatment of Skeletal Class Ⅲ Malocclusion.

【作者】 张雨辉

【导师】 刘红彦;

【作者基本信息】 大连医科大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察并评价骨性Ⅲ类错合双期矫治的临床效果。方法:选取大连医科大学附属第一医院口腔门诊2008年收治的骨性Ⅲ类错合男性患者一例为研究对象,年龄10岁9个月。临床检查上颌发育不足,下颌轻度发育过度,双侧磨牙关系近中,前牙反覆盖2mm,下中线右偏2mm,侧貌为凹面型,下颌可后退至前牙对刃。对该患者进行双期矫治:Ⅰ期前方牵引联合快速扩弓矫形治疗;Ⅱ期直丝弓矫治。对治疗前、Ⅰ期结束、治疗后头颅侧位片及模型进行对比分析。结果:矫治疗程34个月。对该患者治疗前后进行比较:Ⅰ期治疗后患者磨牙关系由Ⅲ类变为Ⅰ类,前牙反合解除,上颌牙弓宽度扩大,侧貌凹面型改善。SNA角增加4°,Naperp.-A由-5增加到1.5,SNB角没有明显改变,ANB角由-5增加到-2.5,上牙轴(U1/SN)由115°增加到125°。Ⅱ期治疗稳定Ⅰ期矫治疗效,SNA角增加了3°,ANB角增加了5.5°,而U1/SN角减小到22°,上下牙轴接近正常值。关于颌骨垂直向的分析:MP/SN角增加了1°,前后面高比没有改变。软组织侧貌改善,病人和家长对治疗结果很满意。结论:前方牵引联合扩弓与直丝弓矫治器治疗早期骨性Ⅲ类错合可达到良好的临床效果。

【Abstract】 Object:This study was designed to observe and evaluate the clinic effect of the dual-phase treatment in skeletal ClassⅢmalocclusion.Methods:A male case with skeletal ClassⅢmalocclusion.was selected from The first Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University ortho clinic in 2008,who was 10 years and 9 months.Clinical examination display maxillary deficiency with a lightly protruded mandible,bilateral molars ClassⅢrelationship, 2-mm negative overjet,2-mm deviation of the mandibular midline to the right,a concave profile appearance. His mandible could move into edge-to-edge anterior occlusion.Treat the patient with 2 phases:phaseⅠof the orthopedic therapy with a rapid palatal expander and a maxillary protraction;phaseⅡusing the straightwire appliance.Compared and analysed the lateral cephalometric radiograph and plaster modle among the pre-treatment,the end of therapy phaseⅠand after treatment.Result:The course of orthodontical treatment needs 32 months. Compare the changes between pre-treatment and protreatment:After the phaseⅠtreatment,the first molar relationship changed from ClassⅢinto l,the anterior crossbite had been corrected and the maxillary dental arch was expanded,skeletal facial profile was improved.SNA angle increased 4o,Naperp.-A increased from -5 to 1.5,SNB did not significantly ANB increased from -5 to -2.5,U1/SN increased from 115o to 125o.phasesⅡstrengthen the effect of phasesⅠ.compared with phasesⅠ,SNA angle increased 3°,ANB angle increased 5.5o,while U1/SN angle decreased to 22o,L1/MP increased 3°,the values are close to normal.The vertical analysis indicates that,MP/SN angle increased 1°,face height ration did not increase.maxillary soft tissue profile improved,the patiention and his parents were satisfied with the result of ortho therapy after treatment.Conclude:maxillary protraction therapy can provides effective correction in early class III malocclusion,with the straight wire appliance,the treatment could achieve a better clinical result.

  • 【分类号】R783.5
  • 【下载频次】101