

Study on the Functional Transition of Shanxi Provincial Government Since Reform and Opening

【作者】 司稳霞

【导师】 李蓉蓉;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 立足于社会深刻转型的新的历史时期,党中央提出了构建社会主义和谐社会,打造“服务型政府”和进行大部制改革的一系列改革发展方略,这就要求各级政府职能部门必须转变思想观念,提高工作效能和公共服务水平,以适应国家和社会发展的新特点、新需要。这种大环境在很大程度上促使和引导着山西省政府职能转变工作的进行。但山西省具有悠久的历史文化、独特的地理环境、丰富的能源资源等鲜明的特点,这就要求山西在转变政府职能时不能不假思索地套用其它省区、中央政府以及西方发达国家的发展理论和成功模式。因此,在转变山西省政府职能时,应该根据山西省的实际情况,认真研究,合理借鉴,寻找有利的过渡途径,制定出具有针对性,可行性的改革方案。本文通过对山西省政府工作报告中政府职能转变思想的解读,对政府职能转变的目标模式进行深入分析,并通过对中外政府职能理论的文献梳理,分析其产生背景和对实践的指导意义,并从中找出中外政府职能理论中具有普遍意义的东西。结合山西省政府职能转变的现状和问题,探寻其产生的原因,并针对这些原因最终提出完善山西省政府职能转变的措施。即:解除禁锢,转变思想观念;弥补缺陷,完善财政收支结构;突破束缚,平衡各集团利益以及排除阻碍,深化行政体制改革。而且,政府职能转变并不只是精简机构和减少冗员这般简单,政府“瘦身”和“健身”的充分结合才是山西省政府职能转变的合理做法。

【Abstract】 Based on the new historic period of profound social transformation, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee proposed a series of reform and development strategy, including building a harmonious society, creating service-oriented government and reforming super-ministry system, which badly require government functions at all levels to change ideas and to improve efficiency and quality of public service to meet the new features occurred in national and social development. This environment largely urges and guides the government functions transformation of Shanxi Province. However, the long history and culture, unique geography, and abundant energy resources of Shanxi Province ask for selectively applying the development theories and successful models of brother provinces, central government and western developed countries. Therefore, actual situations should be considered in the government functions transformation of Shanxi Province to find transition ways and to establish targeted and feasible reform on the basis of carefully researches and reasonable references. This article interprets the theories of government functions transformation appeared in the Shanxi provincial government work report, deeply analyzes the target transformation model, and its background and significance of practice through Chinese and foreign related literatures, and consequently figures out the common meanings in those literatures. After integrating current situations and problems of Shanxi Province, and investigating the reasons, perfection measures about the government functions transformation of Shanxi province are presented in this article. Namely:relive restriction, change the ideas and concepts, make up deficiency, improve financial revenue and expenditure structure, break restriction, balance the interest of different group, remove block and deepen structure reform. Moreover, transformation of government functions is not just streamlining and reduction of redundancy so simple, the government "downsizing" and "fitness" with the full transformation of government functions in Shanxi Province is a reasonable approach.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期