

A Study about Employee Turnover Intention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

【作者】 闫强

【导师】 杨继平;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济时代也就是“人才经济”时代。企业之间的竞争不再是土地、资本、技术的竞争,而是人才的竞争。经济全球化为国内企业迎来了良好的发展机遇,同时对国内企业来说也遭遇强有力的挑战和冲击。在这样一种大背景下,企业之间的竞争尤其是对人才的争夺将更加激烈。企业员工离职问题在西方发达国家长期以来一直是企业人力资源、行为科学、企业组织研究的重点。在我国,随着市场经济的迅速发展,员工离职现象也逐渐普遍化,企业员工的高流动率已成为困扰企业人力资源管理的显著问题,尤其是随着我国的全面开放,员工跳槽现象以及企业间互相挖人的现象愈演愈烈,员工的不断离职更成为阻碍企业发展的一个不容忽视的问题。计划行为理论是态度-行为领域应用最广泛的理论之一,有着丰富的实证研究,深受行为研究者的欢迎。但是该理论在管理领域的实证研究尚比较稀少。尤其是在离职行为领域更是罕见。本研究把计划行为理论引入到企业员工离职研究领域,在实证分析中验证了该理论对离职领域研究的适用性,丰富了、发展了计划行为理论。得出了以下结论结论一:离职态度、离职主观规范和离职知觉行为控制可以很好的预测离职意向。结论二:离职态度与离职主规范,离职态度与离职知觉行为,离职主观规范与离职知觉行为控制之间均有正向的相互作用。结论三:性别差异在所有变量上均不显著;年龄差异、本单位工龄、学历、所在部门类型和现任职位在离职态度上有显著差异;婚姻状况、本单位工龄、所在部门类型和现任职位在离职主观规范上有显著差异;所有的人口统计学变量在离职知觉行为控制上均不显著;年龄、婚姻状况、本单位工龄、学历、所在部门类型以及现任职位在离职意向上有显著差异。结论四:离职态度在不同的本单位工龄、学历、所在部门类型和现任职位之间存在显著差异;离职主观规范在不同的婚姻状况、本单位工龄、所在部门类型和现任职位之间有显著差异;离职意向在不同的年龄、婚姻状况、本单位工龄、学历、所在部门类型以及现任职位之间存在显著差异。

【Abstract】 Knowledge economy era is also "talent economy" era. The competition between enterprises is no longer land, capital, technological competition, but talent competition. With the integration of the world economy, is a double-edged sword for domestic enterprise ushered in the good development opportunities for domestic enterprises, and it also suffered a strong challenge and shock. In such a background, the competition between enterprises especially for talent for will be more intense.Enterprise employee turnover problem in western developed countries have long is the enterprise human resources, behavioral science, enterprise organization research priorities. In China, with the rapid development of market economy, employee turnover phenomenon also gradually generalization, enterprise staffs high turnover has become troubling enterprise human resources management significant problems, especially with our opening up, employee job-hopping phenomenon and dig each other between enterprise of phenomenon increasingly fierce, the staff more discourages enterprises constantly leaving a problem that nots allow to ignore.Theory of planned behavior is the attitude-behavioral theory of the field of one of the most widely used, has a wealth of empirical research by behavioral researchers welcome. But the theory of empirical research in the field of management is still relatively rare. Especially in the area of separation behavior is rare. The introduction of the theory of planned behavior to the field of Employee Turnover in the empirical analysis to verify the theoretical study of the applicability of the field left enriched, developed the theory of planned behavior. Reached the following conclusionsConclusion one:leave attitude, subjective norm and separation perceived behavioral control on intention to quit a significant predictor.Conclusion tow:Attitudes and left leaving the main specification a significant positive correlation, separation attitude and perceived behavioral control, leaving a significant positive correlation, leaving subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, leaving a significant positive correlation.Conclusion three:gender differences in all variables were not significant; age difference, the unit length of service, education, where the sector type and the current position in the left attitudes were significantly different; marital status, the unit of length of service, where the sector type and current posts Subjective norms on leaving a significant difference; all the demographic variables in the left perceived behavioral control were not significant; age, marital status, the unit of length of service, qualifications, present position where the sector type, and turnover intentions in a significant difference.Conclusion four:leave the unit in a different attitude towards length of service, qualifications, present position where the sector type, and there were significant differences between; leave subjective norms in different marital status, the unit of length of service, department type, and posts where a significant difference between the; turnover intentions in a different age, marital status, the unit of length of service, qualifications, present position where the sector type, and there were significant differences between.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期