

Family Education in Poor Rural Areas of Investment Behavior

【作者】 姜莹

【导师】 张艳;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 论文以贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为作为研究对象,选取国家贫困县辽宁省建昌县为例进行研究,采用文献分析法、问卷调查法、半结构访谈法、描述性研究法、定量分析法和Logistic模型法对辽宁省建昌县农村家庭教育投资行为的相关问题进行分析,为促进贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为的优化提供依据。论文首先采取描述性研究法、定量分析法以及问卷调查法对辽宁省建昌县农村家庭教育投资行为的现状以及教育投资能力的现状进行论述,并在辽宁省建昌县农村家庭教育投资行为现状的研究基础上,运用Logistic模型法、描述性研究法以及半结构访谈法对影响农村家庭教育投资行为的因素进行分析;在辽宁省建昌县农村家庭教育投资能力现状的研究基础上,运用描述性研究法分析农村家庭教育投资能力对教育投资行为的影响。最后提出优化辽宁省建昌县农村家庭教育投资行为的对策建议。主要研究成果如下:1.界定了农村家庭以及农村教育的相关概念,对论文的研究对象进行了限定。论文研究的农村家庭是指家庭成员户口所在地为农村地区的家庭;论文研究的农村教育即包括农村家庭适龄子女接受的义务教育,同时也包括农村家庭适龄子女接受的中等教育以及高等教育。2.设计了农村家庭教育投资问题调查问卷以及城市家庭教育投资问题调查问卷,并组织发放和回收,选取辽宁省建昌县、辽宁省海城市以及辽宁省葫芦岛市龙港区进行调研,获得了大量关于农村家庭教育投资行为以及城市家庭教育投资行为相关问题的一手数据。3.对贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为的现状进行研究,发现贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为具体表现为教育投资动机主要为家庭经济收入增加,教育投资需求较弱但呈现上涨趋势,教育投资内容逐步得到扩展,教育投资形式较为单一,教育投资选择较不理想,教育投资方向呈现多元化趋势以及教育投资风险较大。4.对贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为的影响因素进行研究,计量分析发现母亲受教育年限、子女性别、中等教育年教育投资费用对农村家庭中等教育投资选择行为具有显著影响,母亲受教育年限、子女性别、其他兄弟姐妹是否上学以及家庭人口数对农村家庭高等教育投资选择行为具有显著影响;描述性研究发现教育投资能力、农村家庭父母自身因素、子女自身因素以及政府政策因素对农村家庭教育投资行为均具有重要的影响。5.提出优化贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为的对策建议,具体包括:扶持农业发展,提高农村家庭农业经济收入;抓好劳务输出工作,提高农村家庭非农经济收入;发展农村非学历教育事业,提高农村家庭父母文化素质;转变子女观念,提高农村家庭子女受教意识;进行教育投资制度创新,实现教育投资渠道多元化;给予农村家庭子女就业支持,提高农村家庭子女就业率。论文的可能创新之处在于以辽宁省建昌县为例,对贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为进行实例调查研究,并得出一些新的结论,提出创新性的对策建议,在农村家庭教育投资行为相关问题研究上具有一定的创新性。

【Abstract】 The paper acts educational investment behavior for rural families in poor areas as the research object. It selects Jianchang county in Liaoning province which is one of the national poverty counties to study. The paper uses document analysis, questionnaire survey, semi-structured interview, descriptive research method, quantitative analysis and Logistic model method to research educational investment behavior for rural families in Jianchang county of Liaoning province, which provides the basis for educational investment behavior’s optimization for rural families in poor areas.Firstly, the paper discusses the current situation of educational investment behavior and ability by descriptive research method, quantitative analysis and questionnaire survey for rural families in Jianchang county of Liaoning province. Then based on the current situation of educational investment behavior, the paper uses Logistic model method, descriptive research method, and semi-structured interviews to discuss the factors for educational investment behavior in rural families; and based on the current situation of educational investment ability, the paper uses descriptive research method to discuss the factors which educational investment ability affects educational investment behavior. Finally, the paper proposes suggestions of educational investment behavior’s optimization for rural families in Jianchang county of Liaoning province. The main results are following:1. The paper defines the concepts of rural families and rural education, and limites the research object for paper. Research of rural family is to point that the registered permanent residence for family members is in rural areas; research of rural education includes school-age children who accept obligation education, and also school-age children who accept medium education and higher education.2. The paper designs questionnaire survey of educational investment problems for rural families and urban families. Selects Jianchang country, Haicheng country and Longgang town where are in Liaoning province to survey, and obtaines much firsthand datas about the problems which are educational investment behavior for rural families and urban families.3. The paper researches the current situation of educational investment behavior for rural families in poor areas, and founds that rural families in poor areas educational investment behavior is that educational investment motivation is main domestic income increasing, educational investment demand is weak but presently the upward trend, educational investment content is gradually expanded, educational investment form is relatively single, educational investment choice is less than ideal, educational investment direction turns multi-facetted trends and educational investment risk is bigger.4. The paper researches the factors of educational investment behavior for rural families in poor areas. It founds that by econometric analysis educational year for mother, children sex, medium educational investment fees have significantly affected medium educational investment choice’s behavior for rural families; educational year for mother, children sex, other brothers and sisters whether going to school and family population have significantly affected higher educational investment choice’s behavior for rural families. Descriptive study founds that educational investment ability, parents’factors for rural family, children’s factors and government policy’s factors have significantly affected educational investment behavior for rural families.5. The paper proposes suggestins of educational investment behavior’s optimization for rural families in poor areas. These suggestions include that support agricultural development, improve agricultural income the rural families; pay special attention to export job, improve non-agricultural income for rural families; develop rural non-academic education, improve parents’culture quality for rural families; change children’s concepts, improve children being taught consciousness for rural families; innovate educational investment system, realize diversification of educational investment channels; give employment support to children for rural families, improve children employment rate for rural families.Innovation for the paper puts Liaoning province as an example, which researches educational investment behavior for rural families in poor areas. Besides, the paper proposes some new results and innoational advices. It is an innovative research for the related problems in educational investment behavior’s research.
