

【作者】 张雯婷

【导师】 黄维民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 舆论监督是大众媒体的重要功能之一,电视媒体是大众媒体的重要组成部分。舆论监督的本质在于通过媒体对社会公共事务进行信息的传播、观点的分析、社会热点问题及事件的点评分析来影响公共权力的行使。媒体的舆论监督功能是社会大众间接的参与社会公共事务管理的一个重要平台。电视媒体作为一种重要的媒体形态,具备视听兼备、现场表现力强等特点和优势,本文以我国电视舆论监督体系为研究的具体视角,以我国电视舆论监督的现状、问题及相关对策为具体的分析框架,旨在对电视舆论监督体系进行建构的基础上,从实证的角度探讨我国电视舆论监督在当前的现状、存在的问题以及造成这些问题的原因;在此基础上,笔者将给出完善我国电视舆论监督的具体方案。本文研究认为,电视舆论监督体系由电视媒体的主流话语权、电视媒体的舆论导向性以及大众对电视媒体的参与这三个部分。电视媒体从进入我国之后就一直扮演着主流媒体的角色,虽然在今天备受网络媒体和移动媒体的冲击,但其主流的影响力并没有改变,在舆论监督方面发挥的作用,因为其现场表现力强、视听兼备的信息传播优势,依然没有动摇。电视媒体作为传统的主流媒体在新的传媒语境下,也出现了许多新的特点和规律,其中最为典型的就是电视媒体与网络媒体的融合,电视信息传播技术的更新和升级等,这些因素都极大地推动了电视媒体信息的受众群体和覆盖面,减少了舆论信息传播过程中的熵的问题,同时也极大的助推了电视舆论监督事业的发展。而在与此同时,电视媒体在舆论监督的过程中,也存在着一定的问题,主要表现在舆论监督的娱乐化、舆论监督的越位这几个方面。而之所以导致这些原因的产生,其根源在于市场竞争的压力、媒体从业人员职业道德的缺失和大众舆论监督的参与不足这三个方面。为此,笔者分析认为,有效的完善我国电视舆论监督体系的方法,可以通过加强媒介批评和媒介监督,恪守媒体的职业道德和职业伦理规范,进而将电视媒体建构成公共的话语平台,进而重塑媒体的社会责任这三个方面来进行。

【Abstract】 Public opinion is one of the important functions of the mass media, television is an important part of the mass media. The essence of public opinion through the media of public affairs for the dissemination of information, opinion analysis, social hot issues and events reviews analysis to influence the exercise of public power. Function of the media, public opinion is indirect participation in community management of public affairs as an important platform. TV media as an important form of media, both with audio-visual scene and strong performance characteristics and advantages of this system to our television public opinion of the specific perspective for the study to the status quo of China’s television public opinion, problems and countermeasures for specific analytical framework designed to build on the television system for public opinion on the basis of our country from an empirical point of view of public opinion in the current TV situation, existing problems and the reasons for these problems; on this basis, I will give improve our public opinion of the specific television program.In this paper, that the television system by the public opinion of the mainstream television media, the right to speak, the public opinion of television and mass media of television in three parts. TV media from entering the country after the mainstream media has been playing the role, although in today’s highly mobile media, online media and the impact, but its main influence and no change in the. role of public opinion, because of its site performance strong, both audio-visual dissemination of information superiority, still has not wavered. TV media as the traditional mainstream media in the new media context, there have been many new features and laws, the most typical is the television media and online media convergence, television information and communication technology updates and upgrades, etc., these factors have greatly promoted the television audience information and coverage, reducing the public dissemination of information in the process of entropy problem, but also greatly boost the development of television public opinion. In the meantime, television media in the process of public opinion, there are some problems, mainly in the quotations that the progress of the entertainment, public opinion of the offside a few areas. The reason that led to the generation of these reasons, it is rooted in the pressure of market competition, media practitioners, lack of professional ethics and lack of mass public opinion in these three areas. To this end, my analysis, public opinion effectively improve China’s television system, the method can be enhanced by media criticism and media monitoring, media ethics and abide by professional ethics, and thus constitute the television media to build public platform to speak, and then re- plastic media, these three aspects of social responsibility to carry out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】330