

【作者】 范娟

【导师】 韦苇;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放政策的逐步推进,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就,但伴随着经济的快速发展,社会的一些深层次矛盾也逐渐显现出来,其中大学生就业难问题已成为一个不容回避的事实,并引起了社会的广泛关注。在国际金融危机不断蔓延和深化的背景下,大学生就业难显得格外突出。近几年,在政府、社会和高校等多方努力下,大学毕业生的就业率也仅维持在70%左右。可见,大学生就业难问题应该值得我们高度重视,也为我们提出了紧迫而重要的课题。本文以政治经济学、教育经济学和社会学为研究的理论依据,结合当前我国的具体国情,对大学生的就业现状进行了分析研究。论文共分为五章,第一章绪论,简要介绍了本文的研究背景、意义以及研究内容和研究思路。第二章当前大学生就业现状和发展趋势,从四个方面介绍了当前大学生就业现状,并从五个方面探讨了大学生就业的发展趋势。第三章大学生就业难对社会可能形成的危害,从六个方面论述了大学生就业难对社会可能造成的危害。第四章形成大学生就业难的原因分析,从政府、市场、高校、家庭和学生五个方面对大学生就业难问题的原因进行了分析。第五章对大学生就业难问题所设想的对策,依然从政府、市场、高校、家庭和学生五个方面对大学生就业难问题的解决方案进行了探讨。本文的重点是第四、五章,即通过从政府、市场、高校、家庭和学生五个方面对大学生就业难问题的原因进行分析,探讨提出了全方位解决大学生就业难问题的对策措施体系,最终形成了适合我国国情的高校毕业生就业新机制体系,即政府、市场、高校、家庭和学生五位一体就业体系。通过政府、市场、高校、家庭和大学生五个方面的共同努力,近两年我国高校大学毕业生的就业率稳步提高。

【Abstract】 With the reform and opening policy, our country’s economy gradually promoting have also made remarkable achievements, but along with the rapid development of economy, society of some deep contradictions also appeared gradually, including college students’ employment difficult problem has become an unavoidable fact and caused extensive attention of the whole society. In the international financial crisis spreads and deepening background, appears outstanding all undergraduate difficult obtain employment. In recent years, in the government, the society and the college graduates efforts, the rate only lasts at around 70%. Visible, college students’ employment difficult questions should be worth our attention, for our proposed urgent and important task.This paper study on the theory basis of political economics, education economics and sociology, with the current of the present situation of college students.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter the introduction, this paper briefly introduces the research background, significance and the research content and research. The second chapter of the current employment status and developing trends, from five aspects, introduces the present situation of university students’ employment from five aspects, and discussed the development trend of college students’ employment. The third chapter of undergraduate difficult obtain employment, social might form a harm from six aspects of the college students’ employment difficult social dangers. The fourth chapter form difficulties for college students in employment analysis, from the government, market, universities, families and students five aspects of university students’ employment difficult analyzed the reason of the problem. Chapter 5 of university students’ employment difficult problem envisage countermeasures from the government, market, still in colleges and universities, families and students five aspects of university students’ employment difficult problem solutions are discussed.This paper is focused on the fourth, the fifth chapter, namely through government, market, universities from five aspects, families and students of university students’ employment difficult problems, this paper analyses the reason of forward comprehensive university students’ employment difficult problem solving measures of system. Eventually formed suitable for China’s national conditions, the employment of college graduates of the new system, the government, market, universities, families and students five integrated employment system.Through the government, market, college, family college students themselves and the joint efforts of the five aspects in the past two years, the employment of college graduates in universities in China have steadily improved.

【关键词】 大学生就业难原因对策体系
【Key words】 undergraduatedifficult obtain employmentreasoncountermeasuressystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期