

The Falling Zone Development Law and Application Research on the Fully Mechanized Mining

【作者】 刘德清

【导师】 尹增德;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在详细分析前人研究成果的基础上,运用实测研究、数值仿真模拟以及理论分析等方法,对综放开采冒落带发育规律进行了研究和分析,在此基础上进一步探讨了其现场应用。论文揭示了冒落带高度与一次采出厚度的关系,煤层开采后覆岩破坏的特点及规律;通过理论探讨与实践证实:综放开采冒高发育特点决定着矿压显现、顶板控制规律、支承压力分布。提出了采场顶板结构特征及控制规律,研究了一套由综放开采冒落岩层厚度的变化导致一系列采动响应发生变化的相关理论。在现场实测的基础上,结合实验室数值模拟研究方法。从因综放开采导致冒落岩层厚度变化而带来一系列相应变化开始,研究了综放采场冒高发育规律、以及由此决定的采场顶板结构及相关控制问题。经过现场实测和数值模拟分析得出围岩应力分布和地表沉陷的一般规律,分层开采应力集中系数、综放开采应力集中系数是影响回采巷道布置的重要因素。最后结合鲍店煤矿综放开采具体实例,对此进行应用研究,验证了论文研究成果的正确性,现场应用证明研究成果取得了良好的经济效益。

【Abstract】 Based on detailed analysis of previous research achievements, the subject analyzes the falling zone development law in the fully mechanized mining by practical measure research, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, on the basis, its field application is further studied.This paper reveals the relationship between the height of roof-falling zones and a recovery thickness, and the damage characteristic and law of overlying strata after mining. Through the theory and practice, we draw out the conclusion that the development characteristic of roof-falling zone in the fully mechanized mining dominates the mining pressure behavior, the roof control law and the supporting pressure distribution. Apart from that, this paper also puts forward the structure characteristics of stope roof and the control law, formulates a technological system of subsequent responses changes which brought out by the thickness change of roof-falling zone.Based on the field measurement, combined the numerical simulation method, begin with the changes brought out by the falling zone height change in the fully mechanized mining, the paper researches the falling zone height development law in the fully mechanized mining, the roof structure in the stope and related control questions. By the field measurement and numerical simulation analysis, we draw out the general law of surrounding rock stress distribution and surface depression, the stress concentration factors in layer mining and fully mechanized mining play an important role in roadway layout.Finally, the application of research results in Baodian Coal Mine validates the correctness of the conclusion, and the field application achieves remarkable economic yielding.

  • 【分类号】TD325
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】175