

Study on Air Flow Control Technology during Mine Fire

【作者】 张睿

【导师】 程卫民;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 矿井火灾是煤矿五大灾害之一,具有突发性、发展迅猛、灭火和救护困难大等特点。风流受到火灾动力的影响,极易发生紊乱,甚至造成整个矿井通风状况的改变。火灾发生后有毒有害气体的传播会对生产区域造成污染,极大的威胁到矿井工人的生命健康安全。通过矿井火灾风流控制系统的建立,利用自动风门等实现风流的远程控制,当发生火灾时使火灾烟气按照预定的控风方案通过专门的回风巷道排出,有效的阻止了火灾烟气影响范围的扩大化,使火灾的影响范围限定在损失最小的范围之内,并为人员的逃生避灾提供指导,对降低人员的伤亡率方面有着重大的现实意义。本文通过基于CFD计算流体力学的数值模拟方法对矿井火灾时期的风流流场、温度场、污染物组分分布场三个方面进行研究。在不影响火灾模拟的基础上,通过充分简化,运用Gambit软件对孔庄煤矿2号和5号胶带巷建立物理模型。在Fluent中,采用RNGκ-ε两方程湍流模型、P1辐射模型、能量方程、组分输运模型及Mixture多相流模型进行解算,分别得到了CO和烟气浓度、温度、风流速度在巷道纵向上的分布情况以及距火源点不同距离的横截面上的CO浓度的分布情况,为确定传感器在巷道中布置的位置提供了依据。通过非稳态模拟,建立了CO前锋扩散距离与时间的数学模型。在数值模拟的基础上,建立了孔庄煤矿胶带巷火灾时期风流控制系统,并对自动风门和传感器进行了阐述。通过井下工作人员的逃生实验,建立了孔庄煤矿人行巷道中人员的逃生速度模型,结合CO的扩散模型,讨论了人行巷道中避难救生舱的安装位置。最后,对2号和5号胶带巷风流控制系统中风门、传感器和警报器的安设位置、安设数量进行了详细说明。

【Abstract】 Fire is one of five major disasters in coal mine. It has many special characters such as breaking out suddenly, fire developing quickly, putting out fire and rescuing hardly. Under the influence of fire power, air is easily to be disturbed, even the air in the whole ventilation system. Poisonous gases produced by fire will spread and pollute production areas. It is a great threat to safety and health of mine workers. Through the airflow control system is established, automatic air doors are used to realize airflow remote controlling. When breaking out of fire, smoke is exhaust by special return roadway. It is effectively limited smoke influence area and the loss. It provides escaping guidance to personnel. It has great practical significance to reduce the staff casualty rate.Based on CFD technology, this thesis stimulates ventilation flow field, temperature field and pollutants distribution field during fire. By simplifying enough without impact on the fire simulation, Gambit is used to establish physical models of No.2 and No.5 belt roadway in Kongzhuang Coal Mine. By using RNG k-εturbulence model, P1 radiation model, energy equation, and Mixture Multiphase flow model in Fluent, the concentration of CO and smoke, temperature and air flow speed in the length wise direction and CO distribution in the cross section of different distances away from ignition sources are obtained. The results provide basis for sensors arrangement position in the tunnel. Through non-steady simulation, CO diffusion mathematical model is established.Based on the numerical simulation, the ventilation automatic control system during fire in the belt roadway of Kongzhuang Coal Mine is established. Automatic door and sensors are introduced. By underground escape experiments, personnel escape velocity model in pathway of Kongzhuang Coal Mine is established. Combined with CO diffusion models, the installation site of rescue capsules is studied. Finally, the install location and quantity details of air doors, sensors and alarms in No.2 and No.5 belt roadway are introduced.
