

Research on the Stability of Roadway Group in Deep Coal Mine

【作者】 乔正

【导师】 刘泉声;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着浅部资源的日益枯竭,超千米深井开采将成为我国煤炭资源的主要来源。在深部矿井的建设中,煤矿岩巷作为主要的运输、轨道、通风巷道,是连接采区的主要巷道,相互之间联系密切,构成了复杂的深井巷道群体系。深部高地应力和岩体低强度的矛盾问题造成了巷道群开挖后围岩整体稳定性的一系列问题。本文以深部巷道群的稳定性为研究目标,通过自定义本构模型嵌入数值软件对巷道群的稳定性进行分析,分别从巷道群布置方式、开挖顺序、支护对策三个方面进行研究,对其稳定性进行评价并得出有工程意义的结论。主要内容如下:1)首先针对深部煤矿巷道群产生的大变形的围岩进行试验的数据整理,获得结果分析并进行了强度参数随围岩和等效塑性应变的变化关系拟合,建立了反映岩石峰后碎胀变形的渐进破坏本构模型,在岩土工程数值软件FLAC3D中进行了数值实现和模型验证,证明了其有效性。2)从巷道群的布置方式、施工顺序、支护优化三个方面对深部煤矿巷道群稳定性进行了大量的数值模拟分析研究。首先对品字形、一字型、斜一字型的布置方式进行模拟分析,得出最优的品字形布置方式;然后针该布置方式进行了不同开挖顺序的计算分析,得出合理的开挖方案;最后针对开挖巷道对邻近巷道的扰动影响,进行了支护方式和时机的模拟分析,得出了一些有意义的结论。3)以淮南朱集煤矿-960m东翼巷道群为工程实例,在前述渐进破坏本构模型、巷道群的稳定性研究的基础上,对邻近巷道开挖扰动下支护对策进行研究。通过数值仿真分析和现场监测的数据分析,从理论和实践上证明了该方案的有效性。

【Abstract】 As the coal resource exhausted increasingly in shallow mining area, the main coal resource will be from deep mining. In the construction of deep coal mine, complicated roadway group system is composed compactly by rock roadways like airway, pathway, haulageway, which are the main ways to mining area. The basic contradiction between high crustal stress and low rock strength is the basic root of global stability problem after excavation. Taking the global stability of deep roadway group as research target, the user-defined constitutive model and numerical recipes software as measure, this paper analyzes the global stability from layout method, excavation sequence and support optimization. The main research work and contributions are as follows:1) First, this paper makes the date of large deformation rock test form deep coal mine and obtains the relation of intensity parameter, confining pressure and equivalent plastic strain. A progressive failure constitutive model is established,which can reflect post-peak hulking deformation of deep soft rock. The model is derived and numerical computational function and model validity are proceed by using FLAC3D.2) Second, it analyzes the global stability from layout method, excavation sequence and support optimization, getting the most optimal layout, reasonable excavation scheme, support pattern and opportunity.3) Third, taking the east roadway group at-960m level of Zhuji coal mine in Huainan area as an example, the paper researches the support method under the disturbance of adjacent roadways excavation on the basis of the first two chapters’research. The validity of support method is proved both from theroy and practice by numerical calculation and field monitoring.
