

Integrated Monitoring System for Offshore Platform

【作者】 姜立宇

【导师】 唐达;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 石油是人类社会发展的重要能源基础,随着世界石油资源的紧缺,人们越来越关注对深海石油资源的开采。深海浮式平台在开采海洋石油资源中扮演着重要的角色,是海上生产作业和生活的基础设施。海洋平台所处环境十分复杂,在其影响下,平台抗力衰减尤为明显。海洋平台的失效破坏可能造成重大的经济损失和人员伤亡。我国海洋石油工程正处于由浅水到深水的跨越阶段,对于深水浮式平台的设计缺乏经验。因此,需要同步发展深海平台监测技术,保障海洋平台及其附属系统的安全作业,并且为深水浮式平台设计方案优化提供现实依据。本文针对我国南海现役浮式生产平台和海洋环境特点,提出了一种适用于深水环境下的浮式平台监测方案,设计并开发了海洋平台集成监测系统。监测系统对海洋环境、平台位置姿态、系泊锚链、立管系统进行了全面的现场监测和数据采集。本文以“分布采集,集中处理”思想为核心,以平台全面监测为目的,分别从监测传感器的选择、智能数据采集装置的设计、上位机监测系统软件的设计开发几个角度对监测系统进行了详细的描述。并且在监测系统上位机软件论述上有所侧重。目前,该系统应用于我国南海流花LH11-1平台的监测中,首次实现了针对我国南海现役深海浮式平台的全面现场监测。实时监测保证了平台安全生产作业,对平台工作人员的现实操作起到了指导作用。同时,监测数据为优化平台设计方案,改进设计中的不足提供了丰富的数据依据。通过对南海现役浮式平台的现场监测,证明了集成监测系统的可靠性和稳定性,同时获得了大量极端海况下平台运行参数,为我国海洋石油工程发展提供了宝贵的数据参考。

【Abstract】 Petroleum as the important energy source is the basis of human society development. However, the shortage of the oil source speedup the growing of concern about the exploitation of deep-sea oil resources. Deep-sea floating platforms play an important role in the life of offshore operations and infrastructure. The environment where located the offshore platform, is very complex. With its effects, the platform performed evidently in resistance decaying, as a result, any single mistake of the platform will lead to destructive damage to economic losses and casualties.Nowadays, the Offshore Oil Engineering in China staging at crossing from shallow water to deep water. The lacking of experience in deep water floating platform design make the improving of deep water platform monitoring technology more important and necessary.In this paper, serving the South China Sea floating production platforms and the marine environmental characteristics, we propose a suitable schedule to fall in deep water environment monitoring program, as well as design and develop an integrated monitoring system for offshore platforms, which performs excellent in on-site monitoring and data collection of the marine environment, the platform position posture, the mooring anchor, and the riser systems. With the core "Distributed collection and centralized processing ", this essay focus on the implementation of a comprehensive monitoring platform, respectively, the sensitive choosing of the sensor devices, the design of intelligent data acquisition and the development of the PC monitoring system software as the most important part are described in detail.Currently, the system is used in the South China Sea Liu-Hua LH11-1 platform monitoring, as the first time to on-site monitor the deep-sea floating platforms of active duty comprehensively in the South China Sea.The real-time monitoring system will ensure the safety in production operations and menu-operating. Meanwhile, the monitoring data plays an important role in optimizing the platform design, as well as providing a rich data storage for shortage improving. The active monitoring performance in South China Sea floating platform proved the reliability and stability of the integrated monitoring system, also detected a large number of precious parameters in extreme sea conditions for the development of China’s offshore oil projects to refer.
