

A Brief Analysis of Secularization of the Virgin Mary’s Image in Western Europe during the 13th to 16th Century

【作者】 吴佳

【导师】 杨道圣;

【作者基本信息】 北京服装学院 , 艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文将13—16世纪西欧圣母图像世俗化作为中世纪基督教图像的典型表达,从圣母图像的背景、形式和功能三方面分析公元13——16世纪圣母图像风格形式的世俗化,看出中世纪基督教艺术如何逐渐从神圣走向世俗,从宗教崇拜走向审美;从时代背景、宗教教义、艺术环境三方面剖析公元13——16世纪圣母图像世俗化的原因。看出图像的流变不完全取决于艺术内部的“自律性”发展,更多是“他律”因素的影响。中世纪社会多重力量的权衡、冲突、融合、矛盾促使基督教图像逐渐走向世俗,走向独立,到文艺复兴时期,最终发展成为艺术。文章综合运用图像学和社会学两种研究方法从中世纪基督教教义、中世纪社会、中世纪基督教艺术等角度分析圣母图像世俗化,并以此得出:中世纪基督教艺术对文艺复兴艺术,乃至整个西方艺术史都有深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The secularization of the Virgin Mary’s image in Western Europe during the 13th‐16th century as a typical expression of the medieval Christian images. This article from the image’s background, form and function analysis of secularization of the Virgin Mary’s image in 13th‐ 16th century, to find out how medieval Christian art gradually from the sacred to the secular, from the religious worship to aesthetic. This paper also from the historical background, religious doctrines and arts environment analysis of reasons of the secularization of the Virgin Mary’s image during the 13th‐16th century, to find out evolution of the image depends on more comprehensive factors than art itself. Multiple power in the Middle Ages society balanced, conflicted and integrated in order to promote the Christian secular image gradually toward independence, till the Renaissance eventually developed into art.This article use iconology and sociology methods, analyzed from the perspectives of Medieval Christian, Medieval society and Medieval Christian Art to explore the secularization of the Virgin Mary’s image and finally makes a conclude: Medieval Art has a profound impact on Renaissance art, as well as the whole history of Western art.
