

Research on Color Style of International Fashion Brand (Advanced Ready-made Clothe)

【作者】 李蕊

【导师】 崔唯;

【作者基本信息】 北京服装学院 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪以来,随着中国经济的持续发展,服装市场呈现出快速发展的良好趋势:消费者购买力增强、本土服装设计师与本土服装品牌辈出……中国的服装设计正迎来明媚灿烂的春天。但是,当我们游走在各式各样服装店内甄选物品时便会发现:由来已久的“拿来主义”也随着服装业的发展愈演愈烈。越来越多设计师和企业将抄袭国外优秀服装设计作品作为自身发展的原动力。这样的做法无疑是对中国设计、中国创意的伤害。因此,为了引导广大服装企业和服装设计师从“借用”走向借鉴、参考、灵活运用上来,笔者从服装重要的构成要素之一的色彩入手,对Giorgio Armani、Christian Dior、Louis Vuitton、Gucci、Versace五大国际知名品牌近三年(2009-2011)发布会所涉及到的高级成衣色彩做了科学、系统的统计与研究。旨在深入细致地分析、整理、归纳出研究对象运用色彩的基本思路和方法,特别是透过宏观、微观两个角度阐释了优秀服装色彩设计需要遵循的一般规律,从而为企业制定产品基本色彩构成比例与个性化色彩流行趋势研发计划以及服装品牌、设计师的色彩使用提供有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 China’s clothing market has shown a rapid development in this new century. For examples: the increasing of consumer purchasing power, the bloom of local fashion designers and local fashion enterprises and the concern of global trend .they can support that China’s clothing market is in the ascendant . However, we will find there’s so much plagiarism which behavior no doubt hurts China’s creative ability when we stroll in some fashion shops. Therefore , in order to guide the majority of clothing companies and fashion designers leave the "borrowed" to learn, the author choose color which is the most important element of cloths to do a thorough and careful research of Pro-ta-Porter belong to Giorgio Armani, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace(lasting 3years:2009-2011).This study not only used the international advanced NCS natural color system, but also reference to a large number of information related to fashion design and trend. The author consistently strives to generalize the basic methods of outstanding color design in an intensive mode.
