

High Efficient Agriculture Multifunctionality Status and Strategic Consideration on Yancheng City

【作者】 陈建

【导师】 董维春; 茆训东;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高效农业多功能性作为一种农业发展理念,反映了当代农业发展的客观实际,成为世界各国制定农业政策的依据。盐城地区是江苏省粮食、畜产品的重要产地,关系到该地区粮食、畜产品的有效供给。从高效农业多功能性的角度,研究盐城地区农业发展,有助于我们制定盐城地区农业发展新政策和措施,确保盐城农业健康持续发展,为盐城地区农业可持续发展注入了活力。本研究综合运用经济学、社会学、生态学相关理论和方法,以盐城农业为研究对象,从高效农业多功能的角度研究盐城地区农业发展,分析盐城农业现状,对盐城农业多功能价值进行分析,并提出盐城农业多功能发展战略和政策措施。论文共分5章:第一章导论。通过综合分析农业在发展过程中存在的问题,提出了从多功能的角度研究区域农业发展战略这一课题及对其进行探讨的必要性与现实意义,并阐明了研究思路和方法。第二章农业多功能的特征、理论基础。对农业多功能基本概念、基本特征和区域发展理论基础进行梳理,为研究盐城农业发展对策奠定了理论基础。第三章盐城农业的现状评析。对盐城地区农业自然资源、农业生产基本特征、社会经济因素及农业比较优势进行分析,研究盐城农业资源、经济优劣态势,找出盐城农业发展的制约因素,为研究盐城农业发展战略作好铺垫。第四章盐城农业多功能发展的战略重点。提出农业多功能的发展总目标,从经济功能、社会功能和生态功能出发,针对盐城地区的具体特征,提出了高效农业多功能发展的战略重点;从农业的经济功能、农民就业的社会功能和生态功能提出高效多功能发展政策措施。第五章提出一些保障措施,主要有:(1)加强农业科技人员技术攻关培训,完善技术保障体系;(2)加强农业机械化建设,完善物资装备保障体系;(3)成立社会化服务组织,完善组织和服务保障体系;(4)加大行政和政策的驱动力,完善制度保障体系。第六章结论。对盐城地区农业发展战略作了较为系统的总结并建议:(1)把农业多功能性纳入农业区域发展战略;(2)出台扶持农业多功能的政策;(3)建立多功能农业发展的农业综合体系。

【Abstract】 High-efficiency agriculture multi-functionality has an important idea about agricultural development. It reflects the reality of contemporary agricultural development and has been the base on agricultural policies throughout the world. Yancheng city of Jiangsu Province is an important producing area of food and livestock.The research on Yancheng city with high efficient agriculture multi-functionality perspective will help to make sensible policies and rules on agricultural development and guarantee the agriculture development sustainable healthy of Yancheng city.Based integrated methodology on economics, sociology and ecology, under the perspective of high-efficiency agriculture multi-functionality, this thesis took Yancheng city’s agriculture as study object, analyzed the value of Yancheng city’s agriculture multi-functionality, and proposed related strategic consideration and measures. This thesis included five chapters:Chapter I Introduction. This chapter analyzed the problems exist in the agricultural development of Yancheng city, proved the research on regional agricultural development strategies with multifunctional perspective is necessary and meaningful, and described research decision and methodology of this thesis.Chapter II Characteristics and theories of agriculture multi-functionality. This chapter introduced some basic concepts, characteristics and related theories of agriculture multi-functionality.Chapter III Evaluation of Yancheng city’s agriculture status quo. This chapter introduced Yancheng city’s agricultural.and natural resources, basic characteristics of location agricultural production, socio-economic situations and comparative advantages in agriculture.Chapter IV Strategic focuses of agriculture multi-functionality develop in Yancheng city. This chapter proposed general develops objectives of agriculture multi-functionality in Yancheng city. According to requirements of economic, social and ecological functions, some strategic focuses of high efficiency agricultural multifunction were proposed based on the analysis of Yancheng city’s reality characteristics in this chapter. Some policies and measures on high efficiency agricultural multifunction were advised based on the analysis of agricultural economic, social and ecological functions.Chapter V Advice on guarantee on high efficiency agricultural multifunction of Yancheng city. (1) Strengthen training to agriculture science and technology staff, improving technical support system. (2) Strengthen constructing to agricultural mechanization system, improving facility and materials support system. (3) Founded social service organizations, improving organization and service support system. (4) Strengthen administrative policies construction, improving institution support system.Chapter VI Conclusions and Proposals. This chapter concluded Yancheng city’s agricultural develop strategies with the perspective of agriculture multi-functionality, advised:(1) Agriculture multi-functionality can play an important role when making strategic decision of regional agricultural development. (2) More policies and measures of encouraging agriculture multifunction are needed. (3) Comprehensive support systems on agriculture multifunction need be founded.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【下载频次】154