

Study on Development Characteristics and Fruit Growth Model of Pear Cultivated between Plastic Tunnel and Open Field

【作者】 王鑫

【导师】 张绍铃;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 发育生物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以4年生大棚和露地栽培的翠冠和黄冠梨为试材,研究比较了大棚和露地温湿度变化特点和物候期差异、梨枝叶生长发育特点及其叶片生理特性差异、梨果实生长发育特性的差异和梨果实生长模型的研究。其研究主要结果如下:气温和地温的季节变化均呈逐渐上升趋势,6月份之前大棚气温、相对湿度和地温均高于露地,且棚内昼夜温差大于露地。6月份起棚内外温度差异不显著。大棚栽培的翠冠和黄冠梨开花期比露地分别提早18d和18d,花期比露地长2d。果实采收期提早13d和14d,而果实发育期比露地长。另外,大棚翠冠和黄冠梨萌芽早,但落叶晚,整个营养生长期分别为242d和231d,分别比露地长27d和37d。大棚翠冠和黄冠梨新梢开始生长的时间均提前15d左右,大棚梨新梢长度和粗度均比露地的小,但新梢相对长度高于露地,节间长度亦分别比露地翠冠和黄冠高6.74%和10.80%。新梢长度、粗度、新梢相对长度、叶片数目和节间长度的变化与果实发育天数均与三次曲线拟合最好,相关系数高,能很好地模拟预测大棚和露地梨枝条生长发育的不同时期。大棚翠冠和黄冠梨的短枝数目比露地翠冠和黄冠少,而长枝数目大棚比露地的多。大棚栽培的翠冠和黄冠梨叶片鲜重、叶面积、气孔纵径大于露地,而气孔密度小于露地,叶肉栅栏组织所占比例均低于露地,海棉组织比例则高于露地,相应的栅栏组织和海棉组织的比值大棚梨叶片小于露地。大棚翠冠和黄冠梨叶片蒸腾速率比露地低,而叶绿素含量高,揭棚后,大棚梨叶片净光合速率高于露。在同一施肥水平下,不同时期大棚梨叶片N、P、K含量低于露地。大棚栽培的翠冠和黄冠梨果实生长发育期分别比露地的长5d和13d,果实可溶性固形物、可溶性糖和单果重均高于露地,成熟果实纵横径比露地果的大一些,果实细胞大小与果实大小变化一致。梨果实不同发育时期大棚栽培的翠冠和黄冠梨可溶性总糖、果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量均高于露地,果实总酚含量和抗氧化活性比露地的低,而果实硬度均是露地高于大棚。翠冠梨可滴定酸含量是露地高于大棚,露地黄冠梨VC含量比大棚高。果实纵横径、鲜重、干重体积和表面积之间除果实鲜重和体积呈直线相关外,其它指标之间均呈幂函数关系,相关系数均在0.9以上,且果实横径与体积、表面积、鲜重的相关系数达0.99以上,均高于纵径与其的相关性。果实体积的变化与果实发育天数符合三次曲线,相关系数均在0.9以上。果实生长呈不均衡性,夜间生长快,白天生长减缓或负生长,且幼果期大棚翠冠和黄冠梨果实日生长量为2.16cm3·d-1和1.10 cm3·d-1,分别比露地快59.6%和45.8%。膨大期果实生长速率明显高于幼果期,大棚翠冠、大棚黄冠、露地翠冠和露地黄冠梨果实日生长量分别是幼果期的2.1、5.0、4.1和4.8倍。另外,果实生长日变化与温度的日变化负相关,而与空气相对湿度呈正相关,相关性达极显著水平。

【Abstract】 The 4 years old pear cultivars Cuiguan and Huang guan cultivated in plastic tunnel and open field were used to study the differences of air temperature, relative humidity and phonological phases of pear and the development features of shoots, leaves and fruit of pears cultivated in plastic tunnel and open field. In addition, the fruit growth model were established between plastic tunnel and open field. The main results of this paper showed that:The air temperature and soil temperature were gradually rising, but the air temperature, air relative humidity, soil temperature and day-and-night temperature difference in the plastic tunnel were higher than those in the open field before June. Then the temperature in the plastic tunnel hasn’t been significantly different from that in the open field. The beginning of flowering stage of Cuiguan and Huangguan pear cultivated in plastic tunnel was 18d earlier than those cultivated in open field, and the flowering stage was 2 days longer. Compared with cultivated in open field, the harvesting day of Cuiguan pear cultivated in plastic tunnel was 13 days earlier and it’s fruit ripening stage was 5d longer, while the harvesting day of Huangguan pear cultivated in plastic tunnel was 14 days earlier and it’s fruit ripening stage was 4 days longer. Cuiguan pear and Huangguan pear cultivated in plastic tunnel sprouted earlier and defoliated later, and the whole vegetative growth stage of Cuiguan pear was 242 days and was 27 days longer, while Cuiguan pear was 231 days and was 37 days longer.Compared with pear cultivated in open field, the beginning of shoot of Cuiguan and ’Huang Guan’ pear was about 15d earlier; the shoots were shorter and finer, but the relative length was larger; and plastic tunnel could increase internode length of Cuiguan pear by 6.74% and internode length of Huangguan pear by 10.80%. The changes of length, diameter, relative length, internode length of shoots and the number of leaves in the shoots and fruit development days were perfectly fit to the cubic curve; and there was a high correlation coefficient, so it could simulate and predict the growth and development periods of branches of pear cultivated in plastic house and open field well. Compared with cultivated in open field, both the Cuiguan pear and Huangguan pear had fewer short branches, while more long branches.Leaf fresh weight, leaf area, stomatal longitudinal diameter of Cuiguan and Huangguan pear in plastic tunnel were greater than those in open field, but the stomatal density was less than those in open field. The proportion of pear in plastic tunnel were lower than those in open field, while the proportion of pear in plastic tunnel were higher than those in open field. Correspondingly, the ratio of palisade and spongy tissue of pear leaf in plastic tunnel was lower than those in open field. Cuiguan and Huangguan pear in plastic tunnel has higher contents of chlorophyll content and lower transpiration rate than pear planted in open field. Moreover, they had higher net photosynthetic rate than pear planted in open field after the films thrown off. At the same fertilization level,the contents of N, P, and K of pear leaves in plastic tunnel were lower than those in open field at different stages. Pear cultivated in plastic tunnel exposed to lower malonaldehyde content while higher proline content than those planted in open field.Fruit development period of Cuiguan and Huangguan planted in plastic tunnel were 5 and 13 days longer than they planted in open field. The contents of soluble solids and soluble sugar of fruit in plastic tunnel were higher than they in open field, too. The same as fruit mass, diameter and fruit cell size. The contents of total soluble sugar, fructose, glucose and sucrose of Cuiguan and Huangguan planted in plastic tunnel were also higher than they planted in open field. But the total phenol content and antioxidant activity of Cuiguan and Huangguan planted in plastic tunnel were lower than they planted in open field. Fruit firmness of Cuiguan and Huangguan planted in plastic tunnel was lower than they in open field. Thus fruit titratable acid content of Cuiguan planted in plastic tunnel was lower than they planted in open field, and the content of VC of Huangguan planted in plastic tunnel was little than they planted in open field.The relationship among the fruit diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, fruit volume and fruit area:fruit fresh weight was linearly correlated with volume, other indices showed power regressions, correlation coefficients are all above 0.9. And the correlations between fruit transverse diameter with volume, area and fresh weight were all above 0.99, higher than those of longitudinal diameter. The variation of fruit volume and the days of fruit development accord with the cubic curve, the correlation coefficient are all above 0.9. The fruit development showed lacking of uniformity, presenting growing fast at night, while growing poorly or negatively in the daytime. The fruit growth rates of Cuiguan and Huangguan is 2.16cm3·d-1 and 1.10 cm3·d-1 during Young fruit stage daily. The growth rates of fruit formation stage significantly increased compared with young fruit stage, the daily growth rates of Cuiguan in plastic house, Huangguan in plastic house,Huangguan growing naturally and Cuiguan growing naturally are 2.1 times,5.0 times,4.1 times and 4.8 times than that of young fruit stage. The fruit daily growth variation negatively correlated with the daily temperature variation, while positively correlated with the relative humidity of the atmosphere variation.

  • 【分类号】S661.2;S628
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】214
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