

Research on Comprehensive Assessment and Regulation of Environmental Risk of Brownfield Reuse

【作者】 赵晶

【导师】 孙华;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 城市经济结构调整直接影响土地利用方式的改变,在大批企业转产、搬迁的同时,会遗留大量的污染、废弃的土地,即“棕地”。随着资源枯竭以及人类环保意识的增强,“棕地”的管理显得愈加重要。目前我国已逐步进入工业化中后期,经济、产业结构、城市发展模式发生了翻天覆地的变化,但同样也面临着越来越严重的棕地利用问题。因此,明确棕地利用中的环境风险,制定出合理、有效的调控措施,显得十分重要与迫切。本文从环境管理角度出发,对棕地再利用环境风险评价、调控等展开研究和探讨,以期达到提高城市土地利用效率,实现保护和持续利用土地资源的目标。本文在对棕地概念、类型及相关理论研究的基础上,提出棕地再利用环境风险综合评价的概念内涵,并尝试引入生命周期理论的新视角,结合实证对环境风险综合评价及调控深入研究。本文第一部分从棕地、棕地再利用和环境风险等概念入手,确定棕地再利用环境风险及综合评价的内涵和特点;第二部分对我国棕地再利用的现状、存在问题及原因进行了详细的分析,为准确、完善的识别棕地再利用的环境风险做好基础工作;第三部分根据生命周期理论的内涵及在风险管理中的应用,对棕地再利用过程进行全生命周期划分,并利用因果关系图法以各生命周期阶段为基础对棕地再利用的环境风险逐一识别;第四部分利用定性与定量、全面与重点相结合的方法对棕地再利用环境风险综合评价的内容与方法进行研究,并构建环境风险调控的理论体系;第五部分结合锡山区城市发展概况,确定锡山棕地类型,对其进行环境风险综合评价,并根据综合评价结果及一般调控体系,确定重点调控措施,完成棕地再利用环境风险综合评价及调控的实证研究。本文主要运用的研究方法有潜在生态危害指数法、多途径暴露模型、层次分析法以及灰色评价法等数学模型方法,同时结合其他文献资料查阅、实地考察等方法。实证研究结果表明,锡山区棕地再利用环境风险处于中等风险水平,其中土地利用政策风险、融资风险、生态环境风险、人体健康风险、责任风险等因素影响较大。并且各主要发展区域面临的风险不尽一致,锡东新城污染风险大,而经济风险、政策风险、规划风险较小,鹅湖新市镇污染风险最小,但经济风险相对较大,其他技术风险、社会风险及责任风险在锡山区四大主要发展区域中差别不大。定量指标生态风险和人体健康风险分别处于中等风险和低风险程度,并且Cd和Cr的污染较为严重。最后根据一般调控体系以及评价结果得到建立全面的棕地调查清单、健全和完善棕地风险管理法律政策体系、保障棕地再利用中多方资金支持体系、以政府为主导多个部门有效合作、避免与控制生态和人体健康风险、制定专项治理修复方案、加大各方技术投入及完善棕地再利用技术体系、与相关规划相衔接、促进各利益方参与、建立长期监测系统等十项风险调控措施。通过实证分析验证了本文理论研究的科学性与可行性。

【Abstract】 Urban economic restructuring has a direct impact on the changes of land use. A lot of contaminated and wasting lands will appear during many enterprises’relocating and changing the line of production. With the depletion of resources and the improvement of the human’s environmental awareness,the management of brownfield is particularly important. In recent years,china has gradually into middle and later periods of industrialization, and economic structure, industrial structure and the development model of urban have undergone enormous changes. Meanwhile,china is increasingly facing serious problem of brownfield use. Therefore, it is very important and urgent to make clear environmental risks in using brownfield and to formulate reasonable and effective control measures.This paper studies and discusses the assessment and regulation of environmental risks of brownfield reuse from the perspective of environmental management, in order to improve the efficiency of urban land use,protect land resources and sustainably use land.Based on the studies of related theories such as the connotation and the types of brownfield, this paper proposes the connotation of comprehensive assessment of environmental risks of brownfield reuse, introduces the perspective of life cycle theory and deeply studies the comprehensive assessment and regulation of environmental risks of brownfield reuse through the empirical research.In the first part,this paper identifies the connotation and characteristics of environmental risks and comprehensive assessment of brownfield reuse on the basis of the concepts of brownfield, brownfield reuse and environmental risks. The second part detailed the status, problems and reasons of brownfield use in china for accurately and completely identifying the environmental risks of brownfield reuse. The third part, according to the meaning and application of life cycle theory, divides the whole life cycle of brownfield reuse, and identifies each environmental risk of brownfield reuse on the basis of life cycle of brownfield reuse by Cause-Effect Diagram.The fourth part, qualitatively and quantitatively, comprehensively and focally, studies the contents and methods of comprehensive assessment of environmental risks of brownfield reuse, and constructs a regulation system of environmental risk.With the development of Xishan District, the fifth part determines the types of brownfield in Xishan, comprehensively assess its environmental risks, identifies the important regulation measures according to the results of risk assessment and the general control system, and then empirically researches comprehensive assessment and regulation of environmental risk of brownfield reuse.The research methods used in this paper include analytic potential ecological risk index, multi-channel exposure model, hierarchy process, grey evaluation method, and other method such as literature research, field survey method, etc. The empirical results show that the level of environmental risk is moderate in Xishan District, and land-use policy risk, financing risk, environment risk, human health risk, liability risk and other factors have great impacts on brownfield reuse.The risks are differert with each development areas, such as,contamination risk is high, and economic risk, policy risk, planning risk are low in Xidong area.Contamination risk is minimal, but economic risk is relatively high in Goose lake town. In addition, technical risk, social risk and liability risk are not very different in the four area of Xishan District.Quantitative indicators of ecological risk and human health risk are respectively moderate and low, including more serious pollution of Cd and Cr. Finally, according to the general control system and the results of assessment, this paper develops ten control measures such as a comprehensive list of brownfield survey,improving legal and policy system of risk management of brownfield, guaranteeing multi-funds system to support brownfield reuse,the core of government and effective cooperation with various departments, preventing and controling the ecological and human health risks,special treatment and rehabilitation scheme,increaseing the technical inputs and improving the technical system,the combination with relevant planning, promoting the participation of all stakeholders,the establishment of long-term monitoring system,and so on. It is to verify the scientific and feasibility of the theoretical study in this paper through an empirical research.

  • 【分类号】F301;F205;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】392