

Study on Methods to Land Intensive Use of Development Zone in Less Development Area

【作者】 廖青月

【导师】 刘友兆;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 土地集约利用是我国土地科学研究的热点和重点问题,是解决我国土地资源稀缺与经济发展之间的矛盾,保护耕地资源特别是基本农田的根本手段和方法。开发区作为区域经济发展的先行区域,发挥着集聚、示范和扩散效应。它在促进地方经济的高速发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用,并已成为产业升级、区域发展的推动器和科技创新基地。但其在土地利用中,重扩张轻挖潜、重规模轻效率、重引资轻规划等问题仍是开发区土地利用中最突出的问题。我国开发区尤其是欠发达地区开发区土地利用效率低下,土地集约利用程度低。因而,迫切需要找到开发区土地利用低效的原因,并有针对性地找到解决其问题的方法。本文采用“障碍度”法和对比分析法对开发区土地集约利用限制因素进行识别,应用系统分析的方法对开发区土地集约利用可能实现的途径进行阐述与分析,针对欠发达地区开发区土地集约利用中存在的问题,有针对性地提出了实现其土地集约化高效利用的途径与方法,并以江苏淮安经济开发区为例进行了案例研究。研究结论如下:1)“障碍度”法和对比分析法的研究结果是一致的,均能系统客观的对影响开发区土地集约利用的因子进行诊断,能很好地帮助研究和管理者对开发区土地集约利用的限制因素进行识别。但障碍度法的运用是以开发区土地集约利用程度综合评价为基础的,其因素识别的结果的科学性和准确性还有赖于综合评价建立的指标体系的科学性和理想值选取的合理性;对比分析法则至少还需要一个或者以上土地集约利用程度高的开发区的基本数据,数据需要量比较大,同时所搜集到的数据的真实性也会对研究结果有一定的影响。2)实现开发区土地集约利用的途径有很多,包括法律的、政策的、经济的。不同的开发区在识别出当地的限制因素之后,因地制宜地选择相应的途径来促进其土地高效集约化利用。3)案例研究的结果表明,淮安经济开发区土地集约利用的限制因素为土地利用结构状况、土地使用强度以及产业用地投入产出效益三方面。应该选择以下5个途径来加强和改善其土地集约利用程度:(1)优化土地利用结构,提高工业用地比率;(2)优化内部产业结构,提升产业质量,提高土地投入产出效益;(3)严格执行工业项目建设用地指标,提高土地利用强度;(4)推进区域合作,加强先进经验借鉴;(5)继续加强政府管理,构建土地集约利用动态监测体系。

【Abstract】 Researching on land intensive use is a hot and key problem of the land scientific. It’s fundamental means and method to solve conflict between the scarcity of land resources and economic development and protect the farmland especially the basic farmland. As the precursor of regional economy, development-zone plays a gathering, exemplary and diffusion effects. It’s playing a pivotal role in promoting the rapid development of the local economy and has become the driver of the industrial upgrading and regional development and the base of technological innovation. But problems such as thinking much of expansion while ignoring the potential, emphasizing the scale while neglecting the efficiency and playing attention to attracting investment while overlooking the plan are still the most serious problems during land use. Chinese Development Zones’land use is inefficient and has a low level of land-intensive use, particularly in less developed regions. Thus, it’s urgent to find the reasons for inefficient land use and solutions.This paper used obstacle amount assessment and comparative analysis to identify the limiting factors of land-intensive use in less development zone, described and analyzed methods maybe to realize land-intensive use of development zone, put ways and means forward to achieve its efficient and intensive use of land, and cased on Jiangsu Huai’an Economic Development Zone. Conclusions as following:(1) The results of obstacle amount assessment and comparative analysis are consistent, can systematically and objectively diagnose factors that affect land-intensive use, can well help researchers and managers to identify limiting factors in land-intensive use of development zone. But the obstacle is based on the land intensive use evaluation, the scientific and accuracy of the results depend on the scientific of the index system and rationality of the standard. While comparative analysis needs one or more zone with a higher degree of land intensive use to hold on the research, which requires large amount of data. And the authenticity of the data also has an impact on the results.(2) There are a lot of ways to achieve land-intensive use, including the legal, policy, economy. Different governments should choose one or more means to promote land intensive and efficient use according to the actual situations.(3) The case study results showed that land use structure, intensity of land-use and the input and output efficiency of industrial land are the limiting factors of Huai’an Economic Zone. It can choose the following five ways to strengthen and improve its land intensive use:1) optimize the land use structure, improve the ratio of industrial land; 2) optimizing the internal industrial structure and upgrade the industrial quality, increase input and output efficiency of land; 3) strictly implement the standard of land use, to improve land use intensity; 4) promote regional cooperation, to reference more advanced experience; 5) continue to strengthen the government management, build dynamic monitoring system for land use intensive.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】212