

Studies on Phenylpyrazole Insecticide Resistance Risk Assessment and Cross-Resistance in N. Lugens

【作者】 赵兴华

【导师】 苏建亚; 沈晋良;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(stal)是水稻生产上一种重要害虫,历史上有关其危害的报道有很多。近几年,褐飞虱在我国长江流域频繁爆发,对水稻生产造成了严重的威胁。目前化学防治仍然是控制其危害的主要手段。近年来,防治褐飞虱的主要药剂如苯基吡唑类(氟虫腈),抗性出现快速上升的趋势。因此,继续进行褐飞虱对常用药剂的抗性研究,在褐飞虱抗性治理中有重要的意义。本研究监测了褐飞虱对苯基吡唑类等杀虫剂抗性动态变化;通过室内抗性筛选,进行了褐飞虱对氟虫腈的抗性风险评估;对三种苯基吡唑类杀虫剂进行了交互抗性测定;检测了毒死蜱对褐飞虱的生物活性及对其生殖力的影响,为褐飞虱的抗性治理提供科学依据。1水稻褐飞虱的抗药性监(检)测为了明确褐飞虱对现用主要药剂的抗性现状,以便于制定科学可持续的防治策略和方法,在2008年-2009年期间,采用稻茎浸渍法监测了我国9省15地褐飞虱种群对苯基吡唑类、新烟碱类及昆虫生长调节剂类杀虫剂的抗药性动态变化。结果表明:田间褐飞虱不同种群对不同药剂的抗性水平存在较大的差异,2008年和2009年对氟虫腈的抗性分别为低到中等水平(RR=9.0-32.5倍)和中等水平到高水平(RR=24.7-44.9倍),抗性随着褐飞虱迁飞路线有不断升高的趋势,而且逐年快速上升。在吡虫啉暂停使用后,继续对褐飞虱田间种群抗性进行监测,吡虫啉基本维持在极高水平抗性(RR=210.1-381.0倍)。2009年6省6地的褐飞虱种群对噻嗪酮(RR=9.0-14.0倍)、噻虫嗪(RR=5.3-8.2倍)为低水平到中等水平抗性,抗性上升缓慢。2褐飞虱对氟虫腈的抗性风险评估为了评估氟虫腈对褐飞虱的抗性风险,用氟虫腈对室内饲养的湖北孝感褐飞虱种群进行了连续18代的抗性筛选,对氟虫腈有7.5倍抗性的起始种群,在经过室内抗性选育后,LC50值由0.289 mg a.i./L上升到1.646 mg a.i./L,抗性上升5.70倍,与敏感种群相比抗性倍数为42.8倍达到高水平抗性。根据Tabashnik的方法,计算了筛选前期和后期抗性现实遗传力h2分别为0.0998(1-9代)、0.5370(9-18代),整个筛选期间h2=0.2958(1-18代),表明褐飞虱对氟虫腈具有较高的抗性风险,在连续大面积使用的情况下容易使抗性快速上升,而且抗性上升速度随着选择压的升高而加快。3氟虫腈与丁烯氟虫腈、乙虫腈的交互抗性研究在乙虫腈和丁烯氟虫腈尚未在我国水稻上大面积使用的情况下,我们采用田间褐飞虱种群对苯基吡唑类三种杀虫剂的抗性监测和室内抗性筛选种群测定交互抗性的两种方法,研究了氟虫腈与乙虫腈和丁烯氟虫腈间的交互抗性,结果表明:对氟虫腈产生中等至高水平抗性(RR=24.7-44.9倍)的6个褐飞虱田间种群对乙虫腈为高水平的抗性(RR=45.1-96.6倍);室内用氟虫腈筛选18代的种群(抗性上升5.6倍)对乙虫腈的抗性上升高达4.0倍,由此证实褐飞虱对氟虫腈产生抗性后,对乙虫腈具有高水平的交互抗性;对氟虫腈产生中等至高水平抗性的6个褐飞虱田间种群对丁烯氟虫腈多数种群为敏感性下降(RR=3.4-4.5倍),个别种群为低水平抗性(RR=8.3倍);室内用氟虫腈筛选18代的种群(抗性上升5.6倍)对丁烯氟虫腈的抗性仅为1.5倍,证实褐飞虱对氟虫腈产生抗性后,对丁烯氟虫腈为低水平交互抗性。4毒死蜱对褐飞虱的生物活性及生殖力影响的评价由于褐飞虱对吡虫啉、氟虫腈等药剂的抗性不断的上升,毒死蜱已经成为了近几年防治褐飞虱的替代药剂之一,可用于科学合理的轮换使用,以延缓抗性的发展。本研究进行了毒死蜱对褐飞虱生殖力影响的评价以及监测了2008-2009年田间种群的抗性水平。研究结果表明:用毒死蜱亚致死剂量(0.64 mg a.i./L)处理褐飞虱3龄若虫后,褐飞虱的产卵量、卵块数及产卵历期与对照组相比统计分析差异不显著,对短翅型褐飞虱的生殖力没有明显的刺激作用。田间褐飞虱种群对毒死蜱的抗性处在敏感到低水平抗性阶段。

【Abstract】 The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (stal) has been one kind of the most devastating pests of rice in Asia for a long time. Recently, N. lugens outbreaks have occurred more frequently in Yangtze River Delta areas in China. So far, chemical control is still the major method for suppressing N. lugens. However, there is a rapid increase in resistance of N. lugens to the major insecticides such as phenylpyrazole recently. Therefore, it is important to continue to study the susceptibility or resistance to conventional insecticides in BPH in order to provide accordances for insecticide resistance management of the brown planthopper, N. lugens (stal).The aim of this study including:monitoring the insecticides resistance in N. lugens: assessing resistance risk for fipronil by laboratory screen; studying the cross-resistance to three kinds of phenylpyrazole insecticides and testing the toxicity and fertility effects of chlopyrifos to N. lugens.1 insecticide resistance detection and monitoring in N. lugensIn order to establish the strategies of insecticides resistance management, it is necessary to make clear the current situation of resistance of N. lugens to conventional insecticides. The resistance level to several insecticides of 15 populations of N. lugens from nine provinces were examined by dipping methods from 2008 to 2009. The results showed that variation of the resistance level to different insecticides is signifiant in N. lugens. In 2008-2009, the resistance to fipronil were low to medium level (RR=9.0-32.5 -fold) and medium to high level (RR=24.7-44.9 -fold), respectively. And the resistance to fipronil sharply increased with the immigration route variation of N. lugens rapidly. The resistance of imidacloprid was still monitored after prohibition of this medicament. Its resistance level was extremely high (RR=210.1-381.0 -fold). The resistance of N. lugens collected from 6 locations of six provinces in 2009 to thiamethoxam and buprofezin were low to medium level. having rised slowly.2 Resistance risk assessment of fipronil resistance in N. lugensTo assess the resistance risk of fipronil, the resistance selection experiments were conducted in laboratory. Xiaogan population which had been collected in 2007 were selected successively with fipronil in the laboratory. After 18 generations selection, the resistance ratio was increased from 7.5- to 42.8-fold (LC50 value was rised from 0.289 mg a.i./L to 1.646 mg a.i./L), with the resistance ratio increasing by 5.7-fold. The realized heritability (h2) of pre-stage and late stage were calculated by Tabashnik method, the former was 0.0998 (1-9 generation) and the latter was 0.5370 (9-18 generation). h2 was 0.2958 (1-18 generation) in the whole selection process. The result showed that if fipronil was continued to use widely, the resistance to fipronil would rise rapidly;and the speed was increased with the selection pressure positively.3 Cross-resistance of fipronil resistance in N. lugensWhen butene-fipronil and ethiprole have not been used in wide regions, the cross-resistance between butene-fipronil. ethiprole and fipronil were detected with two methods—one was monitoring the resistance by field populations, the other is testing the cross-resistance by laboratory populations selected with fipronil. The result showed that those six field populations which have had medium to high resistance to fipronil (RR=24.7-44.9 -fold) had high level resistance to ethiprole (RR=45.1-96.6 -fold) yet the sensitivity decreased (RR=3.4-4.5 -fold). When the resistance level of selected population had rised by 5.7-fold, the resistance level to ethiprole rised by 4.0-fold,1.5-fold to butene-fipronil. These results confirmed that N. lugens would have high level cross-resistance to ethiprole and low level to butene-fipronil after they had having high level resistance to fipronil.4 Assessment of biological activity and fertility effect of chlopyrifos against N. lugensBecause of the increasing resistance to imidacloprid and fipronil, chlopyrifos has became one of the alternative insecticides to control N. lugens. In this study, the biological activity and fertility effects of chlopyrifos were determined. The results showed that when 3rd instar nymphs were treated with the sub-lethal dose (LC5=0.64mg a.i./L) of pesiticides, there was no significant difference between chlopyrifos treatment and CK when compared by those varibles:egg-production amount, the number of egg masses, and spawning duration of N. lugens. The field population of N. lugens from 2008 to 2009 was susceptible or had a low resistance to chlopyrifos.

  • 【分类号】S435.112.3
  • 【被引频次】7
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