

Study on Comprehensive Evaluation System of Cut Chrysanthemum and Genetic Analysis of Main Characters

【作者】 韩勇

【导师】 陈发棣;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 菊花[Chrysanthemum grandiflorum(Ramat.)Kitamura]是我国十大传统名花和世界四大切花之一,有很高的观赏和经济价值。构建切花菊品质性状综合评价体系并对重要数量性状进行遗传分析可为现有品种评价分级和新品种选育及推广提供更科学的依据。本试验分别构建了单头切花菊和多头切花菊评价体系,并对58个单头切花菊品种和160个多头切花菊进行了性状评价;对单头切花菊花径和其他重要数量性状进行了相关和通径分析;对多头切花菊14个数量性状进行了遗传变异与相关性研究。主要研究结果如下:(1)利用专家咨询法并结合其他观赏植物评价体系,构建了单头切花菊性状综合评价体系。选出了茎秆长度、平均茎重和花梗长度等13个对单头切花菊品质性状影响较大的性状;应用层次分析法对各影响因子的权重进行定量评价,其中花径对单头切花菊品质影响最大,其权重为0.113;花色和舌状花数次之,其权重都为0.106;对58个单头切花菊品种进行聚类分析,选出了14个优等级品种。(2)利用相同的方法构建了多头切花菊性状综合评价体系。选出了株形、茎杆长度和平均茎重等11个对单头切花菊品质性状影响较大的性状;11个性状中株形对观赏品质的影响最大,其权重为0.228;花色次之,其权重为0.150;分枝长度对品质的影响居第3位,其权重为0.132;对160个多头切花菊品种进行聚类分析,选出了41个优等级品种。(3)以27个单头切花菊品种为试材,对单头切花菊花径及11个重要数量性状进行了遗传相关、相关遗传力及通径分析,结果表明:12个性状的遗传力均较高,达到了70%以上;花径大小与最外轮舌瓣长、次外轮舌瓣长存在极显著遗传相关关系,与次外轮舌瓣宽存在显著遗传相关关系;最外轮舌瓣长和次外轮舌瓣长与花径的相关遗传力与花径的遗传力接近,相关选择效率接近对花径的直接选择效率;选择舌瓣花长、舌瓣花多、管瓣花少、植株高度较高的品种是选育优良切花菊的有效途径。(4)对27个多头切花菊品种14个数量性状的遗传变异度、广义遗传力和遗传进度等相关遗传特性进行分析,结果表明:14个数量性状的表型变异系数的变异范围为15.86%(茎粗)至74.11%(舌瓣数),遗传变异系数的变异范围为14.78%(茎粗)至73.43%(舌瓣数)。就单个性状而言,表型变异系数略大于遗传变异系数。14个数量性状遗传力均较高(>86.80%),其中舌瓣数的遗传力最大(98.81%),而且具有较高的遗传进度(148.49%),表明舌瓣数为加性遗传基因控制,可以在早世代进行直接选育。此外,相关性分析表明,14个性状间存在广泛的相关关系。

【Abstract】 The chrysanthemum[Chrysanthemum grandiflorum(Ramat.)Kitamura], an important cut and pot flower world wide, has high ornamental and economic value. It is important to establish a synthetic system for assessing the quality of different varieties, and to analysis the correlation between different characters for offering technological support in selecting, introducing, and cross breeding of cut chrysanthemum. In this paper, a synthetic system was established for standard and spray cut chrysanthemum respectively, and 58 standard cut chrysanthemum varieties,160 spray cut chrysanthemum varieties were estimated. Also, flower diameter with other quantitative characters in standard cut chrysanthemum was studied by correlation and path analysis, genetic variability patterns and the correlation between 14 quantitative characters of spray cut chrysanthemum was analyzed. The main findings are as follows:(1)A synthetic system was established for standard cut chrysanthemum by means of expert consultation, analytic hiberarchy process and K-Means cluster method. The factors affecting the quality of standard cut chrysanthemum was analyzed, and 13 factors were selected. The weight of the 13 factors was quantitatively evaluated by analytic hierarchy process. Flower diameter, flower color and ray flower number had the most important effect, and the weight was 0.113,0.106,0.106 respectively.58 varieties of standard cut chrysanthemum were then clustered into 3 grades by K-Means cluster method, and 14 varieties graded well were selected.(2)A synthetic system was established for spray cut chrysanthemum, and the factors affecting the quality of pray cut chrysanthemum were analyzed.11 factors from all of them were selected. Plant character, flower color and branch length had the most important effect, and weighting,0.132 respectively.160 spray cut chrysanthemum varieties were then clustered into 4 grades by K-Means cluster method, and 41 varieties graded well were selected.(3) The flower diameter and 11 quantitative traits of 27 cultivars of standard cut chrysanthemum were investigated. Analysis of genetic correlation, correlative heritability and path analysis were conducted. The results indicated:heritability of broad sense was relatively high for the 12 characters, being all higher than 70%. Flower diameter was in highly significant positive correlation with the length of the first round ray florets and the length of the second round ray florets, and in significant positive correlation with the width of the second round ray florets. Correlative heritability of the length of the first round ray florets and the length of the second round ray florets related to the flower diameter were higher, respectively, and were close to heritability of the flower diameter. The efficiency of correlation selection of these two traits would not be much lower than direct selection of the flower diameter. It is, therefore, concluded that selection should be made for longer and greater number of ray florets, lesser number of tubular disk florets and higher plant height in selecting excellent standard cut chrysanthemum varieties.(4) Analysis of extent and pattern of diversity, heritability in broad sense and genetic advance were conducted with 14 quantitative characters of spray cut chrysanthemum. The phenotypic coefficient of variability of 14 quantitative characters ranged from 15.86%for stem diameter to 74.11%for number of ray floret. Generally, the phenotypic coefficient of variability was a little higher than genotypic coefficient of variability for each trait. All quantitative characters exhibited considerably high heritability in broad sense (>86.80%). The highest h2 was number of ray floret (98.81%), and there was a high genetic advance of 148.49%for it, this indicated the presence of additive gene action, which suggested that direct selection was suitable for improvement this tratit. A correlation analysis revealed that a broad correlation existed among the traits investigated.
