

Research on Chinese Date Culture and Its Tourism Exploitation

【作者】 朱清

【导师】 刘庆友;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国观光农业发展迅速,丰富了都市居民的休闲生活,增加了农民收入,是现代农业发展的重要形式。观光农业是“农旅结合”的良好方式,突破了传统农业以“农”为本的生产经营模式,拓宽了旅游资源的开发途径。随着经济的发展与信息时代的到来,传统意义上的观光旅游已不能满足旅游者的需要,旅游者对文化体验的精神追求越来越高,文化品牌竞争已成为旅游业竞争的主体内容。我国观光农园的发展亦如此,各地观光农业仅存于观光层面,忽略果品文化的挖掘与开发。因此,深度挖掘果品文化内涵,并应用于旅游产品开发,是目前观光果园开发研究的重要课题。本文以枣文化为研究对象,在归纳枣文化内涵、旅游开发价值基础上,通过总结我国枣文化旅游现状及存在问题,提出枣丈化旅游开发对策,并以乐陵国强百枣园为个案,提出具体开发构想,主要内容有:一、将枣的发展分为引种驯化期、传统枣产区形成期、栽培技术及利用方式形成期、栽培技术及利用方式发展期、现代枣业发展期五个历史阶段,通过归纳梳理,总结出枣文化蕴含丰富的生产文化、饮食文化、方仙文化以及精神文化。二、从药用价值、审美价值、文学艺术价值以及民俗丈化价值四个方面分析枣文化的旅游开发价值,为枣文化旅游开发奠定基础。药用价值主要有养血美容、安神保肝、增强免疫力等;审美价值体现在枣花之美、枣果之美、树形之美;文学艺术价值体现在有关枣的历代文学作品以及枣的绘画、摄影、雕刻等艺术形式;枣的民俗文化价值主要体现在枣与婚俗、礼仪、祭祀等方面。三、通过分析我国目前枣文化旅游开发现状,总结其目前开发仅停留于观光采摘初级阶段、枣文化内涵挖掘不够、忽视历史人文旅游资源、配套设施不完善商品特色不鲜明等问题,提出应深度挖掘枣文化内涵提升产品文化品位、充分整合资源多层次综合开发枣文化旅游、突出主题形象树立枣文化旅游品牌、延长枣产业链开发特色旅游商品等对策。结合乐陵国强百枣园案例,提出具体开发构想,为果品文化在观光农园中的开发利用提供借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 In recent years, agriculture tourism developed rapidly, enriching the leisure life of urban residents and increasing farmers’ income. It becomes the important way of modern agriculture. It’s a good way to break the traditional "agricultural" production-oriented business model, and expand the tourism resources development approaches.With economical and informational development, the traditional sense of sightseeing tourism may not meet the needs of tourists, the pursuing of cultural experience becoming higher and higher. The competition of tourism is also becoming the cultural competition. The development of agriculture tourism is the same, just in the fields of sightseeing, but overlooks the culture of the plants. Therefore, it’s an important topic to research cultural connotations of plants and add into the tourism productions.This dissertation studies on the tourism exploitation of Chinese date culture, trying to aware how to promote the tourism development with Chinese date culture and to make it sustainable. The primary coverage includes:Firstly, studies on the development history and the connotations of Chinese date. The development history of Chinese date is divided into five historical stages, including the introduction domestication time, the traditional date production area formative year, the cultural technique and the use way formative year, the cultural technique and the use way period of expansion, the modern date industry period. Combing through the induction, summarized the Chinese date culture contains rich production culture, the diet culture, the side immortal culture, and the spirit culture.Secondly, studies on the values of the exploitation of Chinese date, including medicinal value, aesthetic value, literary and artistic value, and folk culture value. Medicinal value contains nourishing beauty, detoxification and calm sleep, strengthening the immune system. The aesthetic value contains the beauty of date flowers, dates and date trees. The literary and artistic values embodied in the relevant literary of date and the its art forms, including painting, photography, sculpture and so on. The folk culture value embodied in date and Customs, date and rituals, date and sacrifices and so on.Thirdly, studies on the tourism exploitation of Chinese date culture. Through the current status quo of tourism development of Chinese date culture, summarized the problems of its tourism exploitation. The problems contain in the fields of sightseeing stage, losing culture connotation and humanities, and incompletion of facilities. Based on this, put forward the solutions of tourism exploitation of Chinese date culture, such as deep researches on the culture connotations, making use of different resources, insisting the image of Chinese date culture, and exploit special tourism productions. Finally, studies on Guo Qiang date agriculture garden of Lao Ling, Shan Dong province, put forward the solutions and designs of its exploitation, to be the references for plants culture exploitation of agriculture gardens.

【关键词】 枣文化文化旅游旅游开发
【Key words】 dateChinese date culturecultural tourismtourism exploitation
  • 【分类号】G127;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】319
  • 攻读期成果