

Development and Application of Green Roof Engineering Technology

【作者】 李新平

【导师】 姜卫兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 风景园林, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几十年来工业化快速发展,城市化进程加快,不但给自然环境带来负面影响,也导致了城市的居住环境越来越差。屋顶花园能够降温隔热,并且能美化环境、净化空气,是改善城市居住环境,调节城市小气候的有效手段,绿色屋顶的发展与研究正成为社会热点议题。在我国,对绿色屋顶的研究与实践也越来越受到重视。绿色屋顶的设计与工程建设与建筑、建筑构造设计、结构承重安全以及造园艺术、植物栽培等多门学科密切相关,是屋顶绿化从设计概念到建成维护的基本保证,其工程技术质量直接影响最后绿色屋顶的建设效果。然而,目前我国的屋顶花园的工程技术还存在较多问题,处在发展的初级阶段。本文以我国绿色屋顶工程技术发展现状及趋势为研究重点,主要探讨了屋顶绿化的工程技术要素,研究了相关屋顶绿化工程技术的理论与实际案例,分析了我国屋顶绿化目前存在的问题,提出屋顶绿化工程技术将来的发展趋势,并且探索了从理论到实践的纽带,寻求城市中绿色屋顶建造中的新思路。本文旨在阐述实际工程操作技术,抓住屋顶绿化工程技术的未来发展方向,为绿色屋顶从理论到实践做一定的研究。

【Abstract】 With the fast industrial development in these decades, the rapidly increasing urbanization not only bring greatly bad impact on the natural environment, but also lead to the deterioration of urban living environment. Roof garden can make great contribution on the building’s heat insulation and cooling, it can also beautify the environment and clean the air. Green roof is an effective method of improving the urban living environment and adjusting the urban microclimate, which has also become the main social topic and been put more and more attention on its research and practice.The design and construction of green roof has close relationship with other multi-discipline such as architecture, construction, garden design, planting, which is the basement of the process from design concept to construction and maintenance. The engineering technology would have direct impact on the green roof’s construction effect. However, at present, there are still many problems on the engineering technology in the development of green roof in China. This paper focuses on the present situation and future trend of green roof in China, mainly discusses its existing problems and proposes its future development. It also explores the connection between the theory and practice in order to seek the new idea of the construction of green roof in city. The objective of the paper is to explain the engineering technology in the construction and assure the direction of its future development, which can make some contribution on the research of green roof from theory to practice.

【关键词】 屋顶绿化工程技术趋势
【Key words】 Green roofengineering technologytrend
  • 【分类号】TU985.125
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】534