

A Study on Designing Speciality Logistic Center

【作者】 彭笛

【导师】 周应恒;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着收入和生活水平的提高,人们的消费观念发生了重要转变,健康化、时尚化、多样化已经成为最新的关注焦点。土特风味食品作为亲友馈赠、礼尚往来的佳品,得到了广大消费者的青睐。目前土特风味食品流通主要通过小商小贩的地域性流动、网上店铺、农产品批发市场和综合性物流中心等渠道实现,在一定程度上满足了土特风味食品的交易要求。相对于一般农副产品,土特风味食品具有显著的地域性,价值提升空间大等特点,因此对应旺盛的土特风味食品需求及其特殊性,有必要开创适合土特风味食品这一大类的流通渠道,从而促进土特风味食品在全国范围内的顺畅流通,推动土特风味食品产业的发展。土特风味食品展销型物流中心是以土特风味食品为作业对象,以促进土特风味食品流通为目标的全面性、专业化物流中心,突出展销和电子商务功能,为土特风味食品流通提供远程交易和网络营销的双重平台。本文以土特风味食品展销型物流中心的建设规划为中心,概括土特风味食品展销型物流中心的涵义、分类以及特殊性,从定位、平面布局规划和信息系统设计三个方面切入,系统研究土特风味食品展销型物流中心的设计。本文共分为5个章节,第一章对研究背景和现状进行阐述,提出研究目的、研究内容和研究意义;第二章以物流中心的概念为基础,概述土特风味食品展销型物流中心的定义、特点和特殊性,并对其进行定位;第三章对土特风味食品展销型物流中心的具体设计,包括平面布局规划,即对功能区进行划分,并运用SLP法对其进行平面布局规划;还从物流信息技术和系统规划两个角度,研究物流信息系统设计;第四章引入J市土特风味食品展销型物流中心作为案例,具体实践土特风味食品展销型物流中心的设计。第五章对本文的研究做了概括,并提出未来的研究展望。本文拟对未来土特风味食品展销型物流中心的建设规划提供参考,为促进土特风味食品流通注入新的渠道思考。

【Abstract】 Recently people’s consume concept has been changed a lot with the rapid progress of revenue, which means that health, fashion and variety have been taken into good accounts. As a perfect present, the specialty food has been popular these years. The specialty food distributes mainly by small business firms, online shops, agricultural wholesale markets and integrated logistics center, which is, to a certain degree, meet the requirement of the specialty food trading. Compared with other agricultural food, the specialty food has a badly regional character and much wider potential value. Accordingly, with strong demand for the specialty food and its Specificity, new distribution tunnels should be created to smooth the distribution of the specialty food.The specialty food exhibition logistics center is integrated and professional which deals with specialty food. It aims at promoting the distribution of specialty food. The center highlights specialty food exhibition and e-commerce which make it possible to trade not only at a long distance, but also marketing online. This thesis tells definition, classification and specificity of the specialty food exhibition logistics center, studies its layout especially in position, System Layout Planning and information system planning. The article is divided into five chapters, the first chapter describes the background and status, the proposed study aim, content and significance; based on the concept of logistics center, the second part tells the definition, characteristics and specificities and describes the position of specialty food exhibition logistics center from the aspects of targets, objectives, functions, financing, as well as definition; The third part divides functional areas in the specialty food exhibition logistics center and studies logistical information system planning based on information technology and systematic planning; The fourth chapter takes a case as practice. The fifth part summarizes this study and proposes deeper research prospects.This thesis is proposed to provide reference for the planning of the specialty food exhibition logistics center and take distribution tunnel of the specialty food into fresh accounts.

  • 【分类号】F252
  • 【下载频次】164